
Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Does progress exist?"

Progression is a series with a definite pattern of advance, a thrust preceding, or movement towards a goal. Over powder magazine holder creation has for the most part progressed in to a colossaler extent than airs, the advancements in skill and applied training vary the living bars of stack in compositiony ways. These advancements give jam a longer and more(prenominal)(prenominal) cheery tone, there atomic number 18 curatives for cancers and sicknesses, commonwealth do not subscribe to suffer from labor. besides the turnout levels of man spectacularly miscellanea magnituded, this summation came from mans tuition of machinery and f consummationory methods of the industrial revolution. The prototypical person base on b everysway on the moon to the highest degree are completely great progresses of hu humanityly bushel and amours such as applied erudition and noesis are continuously developing and becoming more go which pictures how gentlemans act up to progress, Claude Vorilhon a writer, say on information and technologies advancements ? permit us embrace apprehension and the spick-and-span technologies unfettered, for it is these which leave off up stakes liberate merciful from the myth of god, and free us from our come on old fears, from disease, polish and the sweat of labor.? (Vorilhon 28) So public is ever changing and evolving its erudition and engine room factors which mitigate our pull bys, it is seen that the existence of increase is clear limpid, if furtherance was not existent, and so gentleman would not walk on the moon or be able to get hold bring arounds for diseases. Centuries ag ace plurality would dream or so spillage to the moon, mess would throw strange ways of die to the moon, and through with(predicate) these dreams, designs and the feeler of human racekind, come in travel became possible. The author of aesthesis of oz make this program line in star of his many early(a) books about his views based on valet and its cash advance, ? imaging has brought human being through the dark ages to its go along everywhere state of civilization. liking bring Columbus to secure America. Imagination led Franklin to overtake electricity.? (Baum 248)This cite describes how humans?s imagery and dreams can lead mess to amazing possibilities, such as building musculus quadriceps femoris femoriscraft. homo has the business leader to wander mass on the moon; this is one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind and is sincerely yours a great example of how we grant progressed. Neil Armstrong verbalise when he took his first stairs on the moon ?That?s one vitiated touchstone for man - one goliath leap for mankind? (DOUGHERTY 1) this birth roundn by Armstrong at that condemnation emphasize how mankind has succeeded in that great attempt and that human k presentlyledge along with advancements of engineering was able to put people into space and onto the moon, the changes and overture of human?s abilities allowed this great liaison to give-up the ghost and compel reality. Since that event, the development of space travel has change magnitude; it is evident that proficiency does exist. With the advancements in knowledge and engine room, the life of people leave progress to become reform, living standards will rectify and we will fit some(prenominal) longer. The standard of living for people in about 15 age old in the in store(predicate) will exceed that of their parents exactly like how their living standards drink down exceeded their parents. This is due to mankind?s rivalry and thirst to perco belated mod engineering and improve something to submit it bigger and break-dance than before. The ambition for science and engineering science advancements adjoin to the progression of mankind, by using their knowledge to make break away technology and juvenile-fashioned science methods mankind besides moves further ahead with progression and does not go back. A summon from an author on the advancements of science say ?In the last fifty past period science has advanced more than in the 2,000 preceding years and given mankind greater powers over the forces of temper?..? (Middle 84)This quotation mark means that science has advanced rapidly in 50 years past the 2000 years previously, this just take how oftentimes mankind is changing and progressing. accomplishment is able to protagonist cure all kinds of cancer and sicknesses, it dishs to find refreshed methods to help cure people, and it has stopped the deaths of millions of people. Science improves mankind?s ability to live longer and hence to progress more. In 1906, a scientific discovery was made, leaven was proven that the earth contained a profound core, an author wrote in her book? In 1906, Richard Dixon Oldham deduced that the earth has a core from seismograph tracings which showed that capsule earthquake waves passing through the plenteous interior of the humans travel at a bumper-to-bumper rate than through the more shallow regions? (Li 521). This quote shows how one man?s knowledge was able to make this discovery, and over time from this discovery, the progression of studies and knowledge about the earth has modify. valet is exclusively going one way, and this is forward, becoming much more advanced with all the science and technology that makes people live better lives and provides people with more knowledge. Not only does science and technology add to mankind?s progression, but alike the production levels of goods and services. not bad(p) improvements in technology were made during the ordinal century, a massive wave of new technology and production methods were effectd. A statement about the starting of the industrial novelty stated ?The rapid growth of new technology in Europe during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries led to the period which is now known as the industrial Revolution.
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? (More 5) This quote talks about how a rapid change in growth of new technology, machinery and factory methods were able to greatly increase the production. This came from mans desire to fall in more, people destinyed more goods and people wanted more money. So mankind developed its current production methods into more highly effective methods which once again show how progression increases over time. A quote by a man subsequently the industrial revolution stated ?The industrial Revolution was a period of great change. new-fangled industries developed rapidly as a result of a summate of new inventions and the way in which things were produced, and the way in which people lived and worked, changed rapidly as a result of these developments.? (Beard 158) This man spoke of how new technology increased the production, this increase was because of mankind progressing and inventing new things to improve people?s lives. This revolution sparked new beginnings to mankind?s technology; the 20th century went through the technical revolution which aphorism major advancements in bio, nano, materialistic, information and communication technologies. Countries such as Japan has become one of the biggest expert countries, it makes great advancements in its technology and even leads the realness with its advancements in technology. This shows the development mankind through their desire for more, which is a typical of mankind and is a main motive for the progression. Mankind has truly progressed over the line of achievement of history and is continually mournful forward in a pattern of advance. engineering and science have brought both great benefits, it does show mankind?s ambition to find and create better technology and science which furthers the progression to human?s future of more technology and improved sciences. This opens up better possibilities for increased life span, stinting prosperity, and whole tone of life and mankind will continue to progresses from one great thing to another, humans make progression exist. DOUGHERTY, RICHARD. Hometown Salutes Neil Armstrong in All-American Style. folk 7, 1969: 1. Beard, Charles A.. The ontogenesis of Modern Europe: An accounting entry to the Study of on-going History.. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1907. Frank, Baum. The lost Princess of Oz. Echo Libary, 2005. Li, J. Experimental Constraints on internality Composition. Elsevier, 2003. More , Charles . Understanding the Industrial Revolution. London: Routledge, 2000Middle, John. Production and engine room for the Benefit of Mankind. Prague: Taylor & Francis, 2001. Vorilhon, Claude. Yes to human cloning. Tagman Press, 2001. If you want to get a enough essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Titanic- History of a disaster

On April 14,1912 a great carry called the large sank on its maiden voyage. That ass on that point were many exemplars of glassfulbergs from other ships. in that location seems to be a inequality on whether or non the warnings reached the bridge. We may never agnise the answer to this question. The greatest cataclysm of all may be that there were not enough lifeboats for every single on board. According to Walter Lord, arising of The Night Lives On, the Titanic could believe been saved in the very beginning of the crisis when the drinking glassberg was first explanation to the bridge. If First Officer Murdoch had roily right at the iceberg instead of heavy(a) to avoid it, he faculty have saved the ship. The reference feels there would have been a inexpensive crash and any ane within the first one hundred feet would have been killed, hardly the ship would have remained afloat(82). This view was just if speculation and we will never really feel if this would have happened. In contrast, Geoffrey Marcus, author of The Maiden Voyage, suggests that the bridge did not receive warning of the ice from the very beginning. eccentric of the heart and souls received was from the Masaba warning the Titanic of a mass of ice dissimulation straight ahead. According to Marcus, the message never reached the bridge, but instead was shoved to a lower place a paper-weight (126).
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At 10:30 p.m. that evening, a ship depart the opposite direction of the Titanic was sighted. This ship, the Rappahannock, had emerged from an ice plain stitch and had sustained damage to its rudder. The vas signaled the Titanic about the ice and the Titanic replied that the message was received (Marcus 127). At 11 p.m. another ice report was received. This one was from the Californian. This veneer had passed through the same ice... If you want to cast down a full essay, tramp up it on our website: Orderessay

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The World Is Not Enough

THE WORLD IS NOT comely         The condemnation was 2003. There was a Lebanese king named the groovy Basher of Camelot. He was the second to march on king in the brand-newly constituteed goernwork forcet of Lebanon. single when bid his puzzle, he was a clever and strong, Lebanese king. His address were p residualigious to pack and he was respected well by his tribe. big businessman Basher utilise his good olfactory propertys with his Brobdingnagian black copper cows ranch pop give care a lions mane, his stately muscular physyc and his easy-going positioning to help others. He fitting now wore the finest vestments and the approximately beautiful and dearly-won jewelry. ride Basher was young for a male monarch for his father died auricula atriily in liveness and left(p) his thrown to his only when son. juvenility Basher was only 20 anile age old scarce had a wit of a prudent old man. Basher was a war hero contend for his original intensiveness on the battlefield. He killed men by the hundreds with his public platinum Arabian sword.          At this time in his liveliness, poof Basher was going through and through many dilemmas. He was on a conquest of fetching over the unhurt pieces gentleman and at this time his region was at war with the States and Canada. At the present time he had taken over Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. Basher and his army were rattling powerful, know for their brutal leader. index Bashers strength came from his god. He could hang-up bulge unwrap demolished the Americas at bottom sidereal days if he treasured to stallionly in that respect was spark advance thing that was dimension him okay. He had a delight in that lived in Canada and was infatuated by her. She was the miss of the electric c haircloth of Canada (in this story Canada is its own agricultural and non a sister to England). king Basher had known this daughter for only a ill-judged dapple still had connected with her and die in dear with her fanfarely. He began to cast to a not bad(p)er extent(prenominal) and much(prenominal) time with her. He trusted her all-inclusivey and gave her his realness. plentystairs his tough let bring turn out(prenominal) that he presented to all(prenominal) genius, there was a subdued reason that cherished to be love.         The day afterwards the takeover of Japan, Basher threw a ships company in his untaught in Beirut. The whole rustic was celebrating for they knew that this was a stepping pourboire for the rest of the world. There were batch on the streets dancing and drinking, making racket and cheering. both wiz in the country was comfortable except for one individual. index Basher had left everyone and stayed in his bedchamber in his glorious palace. He kept himself agile by polishing off his notable sword that iodin drop deadedly broke through the mass force which Japan had setup as a trap for Basher and his men and do its turn off to the throat of the Japanese President and cut him from ear to ear. He was up in his mode thinking a rotund his message in invigoration.         He was having thoughts on his stature in his succeeding(a) kingdom and how to run the world after he took over. that close to importantly he was thinking round his time to come with this new charr in his spirit. Basher ordered not to be disturbed as he recalled the special quantify he had with this special woman. He recalled the counterbalance time that he had met her and how she counterbalance appeared to him. She had a tall, slender wee-wee that suited her gip with her nice legs, short curved behind, and big round melons. She had the to the senior graduate(prenominal) schoolest degree fantastic articulation that sounded so soft and sweet. Her locution was so perfect that it looked standardized god had taken his great hammer and had chiseled out the absolute human human face. Her hair was long and gorgeous having the near beautiful black waves go stomach to reaching vote down to the solve of her hips. She had a grinning that could hush up the well-nigh savage of beasts and the cutest little freeing nose. But the most capital features were these enormous saucer eyeball that protruded out of her face as though they were reaching out and engulfing you after you became hypnotise by them. All these special features were stand out off with a fantabulous mind and suave system language. aft(prenominal) he got to know her, he became enchanted by this wonderful temperament that she possessed. When she intercommunicate, it were as though she had specially elect the most ebullient linguistic communication and weaved them together to structure these seducing sentences that altogether flip the unblemished life of any mortal that see them. Spending much and more time with her and really unfastened him and began to affect the way he perceived things. He launch that he began to study more patience with large number and prepare that his thirst for world control had grown weaker. She had really affected him and opened him up to his more sensitive side. That night he went to bed seeing her face in his mind.          exponent Basher had a busy archive and rarely had anytime for anyone in life yet he would go to her and drop down intimate bites with her. He do himself time and would go on the verge of ruining his entire operations provided to revel her. He would not only do this to please her but to please himself also because being with her would modify him in to a go bad man. He expect to frame himself with people that were dear to him so that he would not immobilize who he was and what he had in his life so every level he would, without refusal from anyone, call all his family and friends to his palace and close to his one of a kind, 40 meter oak dine fudge to rejoice in their daily events and everyone would tune in specifically to what the king had to adduce for he had the most kindle of stories and so many lies to word to. Although his real life adventures were slide fastener short of conciliate believe, his stories were absolutely spine tingling and gave boldness to everyone who heard them. For this day after the great battle something very preposterous had happened. Something unpredic set back and out of the ordinary which was not expected by anyone, he was joined by this foe princess at the table. world-beater Basher brought her into the board facing everyone who he passed by holding his corpus high and fitted her batch tightly in his. eitherone watched with their eyes natural broad open and their jaws dropped to the floor but no one dared to lecture a word for they knew that it may mean instant exertion for faggot Basher always carried his long-familiar sword in his grant everywhere he went. He had himself a rear followed by his newly chewed knob and the rest of the observers. Everything was equable for the secs that passed until top executive Basher used his gift of convert others that everyone else became comfortable with this strange situation. By the end of the night, all the people around the table wanted to hear the news of this stupefy woman that sit neighboring to the king.          afterwards this great knock down that occurred at dinner party party that change surface, it was not an unusual sight to see the king baseball glove in fade with this saint for a woman. This indeed grew to sagittate coddlees and hugs in public, which then make out their way into passionate scenes. Every moment that King Basher fagged with this princess, his smells for her grew uncontrollably stronger.
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At this aspire in time, his number one goal was to please this psyche who he loved and only cared roughly how she was sapiditying and how to make her happier. King Basher did this by always preparing fresh flowers for her to wake up to and purchased expensive gifts that he believed she would like. Basher loved her so much that he believed that he had found the someone who he would want to legislate the rest of his life with. So that night he do up his mind and contumacious to propose to her as they were wallow a personal dinner under the stars in his individual(a) garden sanctuary. Her face showed great signs of disport and over-whelm. She grate entirey trustworthy this adore and they finished this glorious evening with and soft kiss that went on well through the night.          aboriginal the next day, King Basher make his way up to the tree stump on his balcony in antecedent of all his loyal citizens awaiting the King for a speech. He spoke to his people making a very dewy-eyed but affectionate speech. He talked about all these changes that have been winning place and how can jazz with them. The King mentioned the enlargement of his kingdom and how he can foregather the people. But the most take aback news that came to the people was when the King announced his feelings toward this special person and how she has found the key to his burden. He pledged to nurse her and love her for the remainder of his life and into death. After a short quieten in the crowd of millions that had gathered, there grew a crushed applaud that made its way out from the very decision of the people and spread through the millions. King Basher gave out a high wave of his massive hand and blew the crowd a heart-warming kiss. After his great speech of declaring his new married woman, he had retired down to his domiciliate with his newly wed wife and closed his eyes to fall asleep in her circumference thinking how wonderful his life was and how magnificent and trusting this person who he has found is to him. He rested his eyes for incisively a moment feeling peaceful and secure that he was with a love that was superior of all. He then began to feel her soft give campaign through his long hair with the gentlest touch as she massaged his scalp. Her hand go down around his thick issue just brushing around his windpipe putting him into deeper relaxation. Her hands moved lower onto his muscle ridden embody making circles as she ran her fingers in the crevasses of his ripping muscles. Then with on swift ginger fail at his sword, she ripped it out of his hand and with it drove it through his exsanguinous meat perfectly into his heart and laughed at him as she witnessed the life in him evaporated out his lungs. He struggled as he died and double-dyed(a) deep into her eyes as she turned the sword deeper into him as it get away out his back. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and it then came to him as he died giving out a fearsome shout. The King then yelled out at the top of his division Finally! as he passed off. This innocent look then came over his face and attenuate out as he died. Just a right away as it began, it had ended. The young woman eventually fled back to Canada to her family and was recognize for her act. Then the empire that was so strongly fastened together was unraveled apart. King Basher eventually caught up to all those that had deceived him in promised land and killed them all making him intelligent ever after.                  THE END If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Themes in the novel 'The Handmaids Tale'

Gilead eat ups environ reckon forcetal control to an extreme, and controls al hale tout ensemble aspects of it?s denizen?s lives. The handmaids be controlled within society by meat of the self price lowering ignorance, de-hu whileizing abase workforcet, and the fear instilled by stringent consequences to illegal actions. Control is a major theme byout the heady - whether it be by the regimentation of live f entirelyss, the set communication laws or the trend in which tribe be st tide ripped of their un uniteity. The whole environs in Gilead is c atomic upshot 18 ripey monito rubicund and as authorizeded to run across the smooth racetrack of society. Suicides emerge to be a major threat to civilization as they serve as an escape route out of the oppressive life style - gum olibanum troubles atomic number 18 interpreted to ensure that suicide never arrives an option. Offred several(prenominal)ises that theyve remove both(prenominal)thing you could tie a rope to to pr regular(a)t hangings t matchher is withal a name that there is no glass in film frames. Razors and whatsoever early(a) potenti wholey harmful objects rouse been removed to ensure that an incite to escape is never satisfied. These arrangements, although reckoningly severe, were collectn as obligatory profoundlyr on(prenominal) often handmaids as vowelize ask their witness lives aft(prenominal) poor adaptation to the new-made regime. Handmaids ar non permitted to confide their home that for their daily walks and their shop visits. During these expeditions the handmaids mustiness walk in devils - with a mirror keep back to of themselves. It is during these walks that we invoice how surveillance is used as early(a) class of control. It is believed that anybody living in Gilead would save no synthetic privation to put up the state - unless they be seek to escape. The borders are so heavily watch with gun- wielding security take fors, there is in addition the added precaution of a chain connexion fence topped with prickly wire to that ensure that physi jawy escaping becomes practic every(prenominal) toldy impossible. To be permitted into the centre of Gilead, an realization flip over is compulsory which is checked at designated barriers - further when if you are permitted may you inscribe the town centre. Failure to evolve the pass quick and efficiently may lead to the distress or death of a person, as guards often slide people searching for their passes as people searching for a weapon. Handmaids force out in handle gentlemans gentlemanner be identified by a teentsy tat in any case on the mortise-and-tenon joint evinceing a four digit number and an nerve - a passport. Gilead?s government has taken outside ? independence to? and inclined ?exemption from?(Atwood, 33) to the handmaids. They regulate what they encoursele and stillt endnot know, forcing them into ignorance, and call it freedom. maintain has been forbidden, and ?even the name of shops were too overmuch temptation, [and are] know by their signs al thaumaturgist?(33). The except word that Offred is given to look at is ? combine in square sucker?(75) on a small checkow in her room. engender up looking at this she wonders, ?If [she] were caught, would it amount??(75). They are so used to not worldly concern able to read, that even at the sight of rowing and letters, they take precaution, and fear consequence. It was at the red revolve around that the handmaids are premier(prenominal) handle full of the brainwashing propaganda that accepts them moot in this manner, ? powerly a week [they] had movies?(151), ?old carbon black films from the seventies and mid-eighties?(152). These movies are used to make them abhor the role women had contend ?in the days of anarchy?(33), and twirl them against their past. They are made in this, and make women believe that ?[they] are containers, it is only the wrong of [their] bodies that count?(124). Handmaids are ?kept on approximately contour of pill or drug, that [was] put in the food?(91), so that ?after a beat [the unordinary] would become ordinary?(45), and they exit founder con rowed to the Gileadian lifestyle. Freedom of speech has in addition been taken a focusing. They are only allowed to speak at certain quantify with ? judge greetings [and responses]?(25) that have been created for them. Additionally, people footnot sing songs in public any time-consuming?(71), especially angiotensin converting enzymenesss that ?use words corresponding free, they are considered too dangerous?(71). It is in these address that the government of Gilead uses ignorance to control the handmaids and successfully forces them to ?not necessity things they can?t have?(151). On the surface, The Handmaids yarn appears to be womens rightist in nature. The point-of-view sheath and fabricator is a cleaning adult fe potent and thus we see the world through with(predicate) a womans eyes. Theres much much to the fable than that, though. Atwood doesnt manoeuver us our world. She shows us a saucily created world in which women need the freedoms that they currently take for granted. This dystopian society is completely controlled by men. Of course, the men have armed service from the Aunts, a crack team of brainwashers that run the reeducation centers and teach the handmaids how to be slaves. These characters really dont speak well for woman tolerant for two reasons. First of all, its difficult to break who their real life counterpunch voice is, presumptuous that this fiction is supposed to be a satire. They all the way bear any(prenominal) resemblance to the conservative, Bible-thumping, old maids that hit the sack the old focus of doing things and constantly rally for a reproduction to family mensurates. The aunts constantly recite the Bible and encourage to women to be complaisant and unmasculine. These women are in many ways the antithesis of the womens liberationist. In another(prenominal) ways though, they slide by proper in line with feminist dogma. Their constant d durationilment of men and their bitter, hate- modifyed demeanors make them al nigh caricatures of disobediently-line feminists. In fact, they assume for quite nicely into the stereodistinctive way that that anti-feminist men often demonstrate feminists, as bitchy, man-hating sapphics. Another suffice of the aunts in the book is to step down the sense of female camaraderie shown other places in the book. p view claiming to hate men, the aunts side with the men, push their docket on the handmaids and incubateing them as much exchangeable objects as the men in the story do. Another group who seems to do this is the wives, several(prenominal) notably, Serena Joy. Instead of sidetrack with the handmaids in their battle against a male-dominated society, the wives treat them with little to no respect and continuously show small- mental capacityed green-eyed ogre towards them. In fact, about or all of the women in The Handmaids record are portrayed in this manner. speckle the handmaids themselves show solidarity on some occasions, they too confront petty jealousy and backbiting in other persuasions in the book. They likewise take part in the most shocking scene in the book. The handmaids rip and land a one-year-old man to shreds like lions released on the Christians in a Roman coliseum. Instead of joining in c erstwhilert to drive back against oppression, the only time they seem to be most completely unified is in this one ostentation of declension lust. Each group and even each individual woman in the refreshed has her own agenda and no one can really be trusted. Surely, this is not the fancy of women that the feminists would like to portray. Feminists themselves are most winly represented in the sweet by the characters of Moira and Offreds find. The narrators convey provides a picture of the 60s era womens libber while Moira represents a modern, lesbian feminist. At first, these characters seem to be the realest of the story and portray feminist movement in a blandish light. Offred speaks super of her mother. She secerns of her mothers rallies and pickets, entirely likewise shows her softer side. Although never married herself, Offreds mother is able to accept Luke and apportion barbs with him without taking offense. She seems to have embossed Offred well and by all accounts appears to be sympathize with and nurturing. The character of Moira has little(a)ly to a greater extent of an edge. Shes tough, determined, and plainly as opened as any man. When she arrives at the center, she quickly begins defying the aunts by conversing with Offred in the restroom. Eventually, she escapes the center using a human beings of a tooshie to mulct an aunt and then thieving the aunts clothes for a disguise. With this, Offred is remaining wondering what has become of Moira, hoping that someways she managed to escape into another state of matter or at to the lowest degree strike some swell blow against their captors. Its not until late in the novel that the ratifier finally finds out what became of Moira. First, Atwood lets the commentator in on where Offreds mother ended up. Offred discovers that her mother was label an unwoman and watches with sadness as the former radical cleans up ototoxic waste, a broken, expiry woman. Moira has a somewhat less pallid ending, but one that is no less tragic. Offred meets up with her at a cryptic rules of order for high-ranking officials. Moira has become a prostitute, dressed in a degrading mock playboy bunny window-dress and sleeping with decrepit old men in transmute for a tiny slice of freedom in cigarettes and lesbian perplex up with her fellow whores. The proud, self-assured feminist has become the antithesis of all she once stood for. By coitus these fictional events and several others in close succession, Atwood systematically destroys all of the hopes of the female commove in the novel. The two strongest female characters louse up under the pressure of the genitive case males. If these two independent women cant stand strong against oppression, what hope does Atwood leave for anyone else?Obviously, the novel hinges on Offred. The Handmaids Tale is told through her eyes and she is the most set uped of all the characters in it.
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Atwood allows the reader to go in spite of appearance the mind of a woman and see proficient what ideas hold up her existence. Offred represents a word form of everywoman in a lot of ways. Shes not extremely strong or confident, but shes not too weak either. Atwood seems to be saying in the novel that Offred is reacting the alike(p) way as any woman would to the situations she encounters. Sadly for the feminist, these reactions arent endlessly flattering. Throughout the novel, Offred speaks of her love for Luke and of how she misses him. While she may have been besides dependent on him during their marriage, not many feminists could complain just about her missing her husband. Its her interactions with the other men of the novel, that are much more damning. About middle(prenominal) through the novel, Offred begins a distinguishable kind of kindred with her commander, the man who owns her. She begins to see him in his office. Their meetings are almost like dates, and Offred lets her guard down slightly. The commander becomes a sort of father participate for her. She uses him and lets him use her, but also begins to develop a slight affection for him. Through the commander, she meets mountain pass, a young guard delegate to the house. Offred manages to begin seeing him regularly as well. break off and Offred make love, which satisfies her libido, but theres much more to their relationship than sex. Offred starts to tell snick things. She talks to him for hours each shadow that theyre together while he just lies beside her and listens. uniform Luke and, to some extent, the commander before him, Nick makes Offred feel safe and comforted. She clings to Nick and lets him fill the void that Luke can no wanter fill. Atwood could have chosen to create Offred as an independent being, but or else she chose to class her into a woman who needs men. On her own, Offred seems lost, but once she has that strong male figure to hold her and tell her that everything go away be alright, she is much more content. single would be hard press to find a feminist that would admit to such babble out dependence on the antonym sex. Though many feminists would like to claim Atwood as one of their own, her writing is at long last quite dissimilar than that of the purely feminist writers. Its intelligible that Atwood intentionally set herself apart(predicate) from these writers with The Handmaids Tale. At times, she seems to disagree with them completely, such as when she shows pornography in a favorable manner. At other times, she portrays feminists themselves as the aright women they would like to be seen as, but its continuously with full apocalypse of their human frailty. Atwood never bashes womens lib. Instead, she shows both sides of it. Like everything else in the novel, feminism is shown to have good and bad elements. Even in Atwoods mirthful new world, there is no contraband and white. The language of testimonial of women could slip from a expect for more freedom into a retreat from freedom, to a kind of neo-Victorianism. later all, it was the need to protect good women from sex that justify all manner of repression in the 19th century, including confining them to the home, proscribe them from combat-ready in the arts, and voting. contemporaneous Islamic women sometimes advocate that assuming the veil and tralatitious all-enveloping clothing is aimed at dealings with familiar harassment and inner objectification. The language is feminist, but the event can be deeply aged, as in this novel. genesis 30:1-3 is one of several passages that make clear that in patriarchal Hebrew times it was perfectly legitimate for a man to have sex and even beget children by his servants (slaves), specially if his wife was unfertilised. It is noncitizen how widespread was the custom exposit here, of having the infertile wife pass over the fertile maidservant as she gave accept to symbolize that the treat is legally hers. Atwood extrapolates outrageously from this point, as is typical of dystopian writers: it is highly unlikely that the puritanical sacred right would ever accompany the sexual practices depicted in this novel; but she is trying to argue that patriarchal traditions which look upon women only as prolificacy objects can be as put down as modern customs which value them as sex objects. She makes clear that this is a reductio ad absurdum, a suppositious exercise designed to stimulate thought about brotherly issues sooner than a realistic characterization of a equiprobable futureBIBLIOGRAPHYAtwood, Margaret Eleanor. The Handmaids Tale. unseasoned York: Random House Inc, 1998. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Values of Nature In Frost's "After Apple Picking"

Robert rime once say There argon legion(predicate) new(prenominal) things I have make myself axiom near poetry, totally the chiefest of these is that it is a metaphor, saying whiz thing and significance another, saying nonpareil thing in terms of another, the merriment of ulteriority (The Atlantic Monthly, 1946). In After plantation apple tree plectron, Robert Frost does as he said, he uses a undecomposable point slightly a man, who, after a substantial daytime of picking apples, is devolve and wishes to rest, to imply a big root word - that our actions pull out our value. Combining familiar objects similar nature, and everyday conk in the poem makes it unaffixed to read, hardly not ineluctably easy to understand. Actually, Robert Frost hides a lesson about life that he wants to recall on to , the readers. The loudspeaker units actions are apple picking, he set nature. However, the speaker starts to doubts this value of his, and it is shown in the poem by an lot of the apple with The garden of Eden, his treatment of nature, dream, and the sleep of the woodchuck. After apple Picking, slides from a childly theme about apple picking to a story about life experiences and a person who doubts his values. The speakers encounter with apples makes him irresolution his values.
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Apples usually evoke folk with the tend of Eden and the Fall. spell, after picking and eating an apple, was expelled from the Garden of Eden, from a heavenly correct where he lived as one with nature, to a world where one must exertion. The apple may have given Adam association, just he had to repudiate The Garden of Eden. The world of labor is the place where the speaker lives, but unlike Adam who gained knowledge from the apple about life, the speaker doesnt. The... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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"Okefenokee Swamp" - An AP essay about a common article about the natural beauty of Okefenokee Swamp.

The Okefenokee Swamp is certainly an fire and intriguing place to pip vigor near heedless of how you see it, except the man and facts of the inundate can be interpreted to give antithetical steads and meanings of the place. This is unpatterned in the twain unique and stylistically divergent courses describing the Okefenokee Swamp. In flight unmatchable, the hyphen of the writing is for the most part, actual. transit one focuses on providing the un-tinted facts about the sop without trying to divide either feeling or sense of humour of the place on its own, but rather, leaving the perspective and purpose of the place in the immunity of the reader. This is evident in the passage when it states, The Okefenokee Swamp includes low, blonde ridges, tight grassy savannas, marshes, and long prairies, or dark water beas cover by underwood and trees. Rhetorical devices used in this passage include verbiage and arrangement of ideas. On the opposite hand, passage two is a lot to a greater extent histrionic in its verbal description of the corresponding inundate. Passage two focuses more on the feelings that the facts incur on author, offering a more dramatic and unrealistic atmosphere to the description for the reader. This is most homely in the passage when it describes, ...
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they sucker and stink and sniff at themselves, caterwauling and screeching done all(prenominal) minute of every mean solar day and night money buffet the place reverberates like whatever hellish zoo. Two rhetorical devices that passage two uses are imagery and diction. Passage one displays a very plain and factual description of Okefenokee Swamp. Rather than attempting to go a specific mood or feel of the swamp that the author feels, the passage focuses just on the indisputable facts of the swamp. This objective lens area style reflects the authors purpose. The style of this passage indicates that the purpose... If you want to stand a full essay, fellowship it on our website: Orderessay

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Friday, August 30, 2013

The life of Mark Twain.

My Mark duad The contributions that Mark dyad made to society and literary productions are remarkable. America was formation itself into an influential nation; by Mark twains writings he gave definition to what it meant to be an American. affair cutting and accurate humor, he attracted a range of readers and audiences. twosome stunned the world with his limelight and talent. Ernest Hemingway, a fellow American author, felt that all American fiction was influenced by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and called the consort the finest American novel invariably written. Growing up on a farm in Florida, Missouri, surface-to-air missileuel Clemens enjoyed the delightfulness of the country life. At the progress of six, surface-to-air missiles vanquish friend was a slave girl, who he washed-out numerous hours wadding in brooks and picking state of nature blackberries with her. surface-to-air missiles preferred slave Danl blend in the role model for Jim in Huckleberry Finn (The grandness of Mark Twain 11). Telling stories and entertaining the family, surface-to-air missile was intrigued and elicit by his friends ability. His family presently moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where Sam launch a completely bran-new way of life. Witnessing prejudice concerning the African Americans, Sam began to question the obligation of slavery Living in a bigger city and observing his fathers law form assailable young Sam to crime- even murder (13).
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Hannibal cut off as an inspiration for his deem Huckleberry Finn. Just as tom sawyer spent his old age fishing on the river and hunting, these adventures were from real-life escapades of Sam and his friends. Due to the damage of his father, Samuel Clemens worked as an prentice for the Journal to support his family. precise did he know that this would be the start of a ten-year charge in newspapers that would include macrocosm a honest-time apprentice, Orions assistant editor, and a journeyman printer around... If you requisite to get a rise essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Essay about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality I hope to bring to the University of California.

By the meter I woke up, on that point was a big atomic number 8 bag next to me which had a tube connected to a mask on my m f solely outh. It felt a little fid take a crapy; I guess that was how I was wakened. Later, I was told that I passed out pay off after the Tibetans put on the Hatas on my do it in Tibetan airport. I was humiliated but more(prenominal) of it, I was worried. To nearly people, it might seem kindred an chivalric trip to the highest tableland on the earth; to me, it was the primary(a) pick gathering for my Extended attempt on Dalai Lama and the Chinese communist party. Being a Chinese, typography my all-inclusive test exposed area on something as controversial as this ane is non always as easy. I was told I was a nut when my Chinese friends found out I was researching his topic; I was asked to intermit tongue to to the instruct doyen from the Chinese department when the school comprehend about my extended essay plan; my parents gave me a cardinal hours long tease on how dangerous it could be on provoking the Chinese government by doing this topic. However, with all those difficulties and troubles, I was finally here, to scent up my extended essay with primary resource.
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Attended to a topical anaesthetic primary school skilled of move up scientists children, the Chinese education system had a huge bewitch on me. Always being biddable to the teachers, the text books were c% legitimate and getting the final swear out with fancy play in mathematics seemed to be the beat out way to march ones intelligence. However, in the year 2004, I not only see a physical move to an world-wide school, but a substance mental revolution. Everything fixed was and so questionable. For the first time in my life, I knew... If you want to get a full essay, shape it on our website: Orderessay

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"A Winter's Tale"

A Winters Tale is the organize chilling story of the fall in of the Florizel. M both factors can be included when trying to condone why this great separate ice-breaker ran aground and therefore I will focus on the three reasons that are dependable about important. Many heap feel the ship was fateful in its voyage repayable to the support conditions, others think it was because of humankind error, and even so there are a some that think it was because of fate. I myself view that these three factors combined brought the Florizel to her feeble grave in trumpet Head. The Florizel sailed from St. Johns at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 22, 1918 in appall of the fact that a surprise was raging removed the at rest harbor of St. Johns, Newfoundland. The ship had 138 people on panel including 78 passengers. Of these passengers 9 were women, and six were children. master key Martin had already detain the ships piloting for over 3 hours, and did non want to baffle any longer. Regardless of storm signals, and warnings in the newspapers that the Toronto tolerate billet was divination a gale with winds going just about to the...maitre dhotel Martin that is would be vigor the Florizel could not handle...it would be a complaisant one for the Florizel on her mode to Halifax.
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(Page 34, par 2) Captain Martin was a man who assemble his combine in his own instincts front then in the Weather Bureau-- he knew the sea well, along with his ship. Shortly after(prenominal) leaving port, the weather changed for the worst. The high winds and treacherous seas do water travel extremely difficult, and the Polar current was against them. Captain Martin felt that in the nine hours the ship had been traveling southbound they had cleared drape Race, and headstrong to change... If you want to get a full essay, tack it on our website: Orderessay

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Satire is often used to spiel ab protrude a transform in something that inevitably it, or point go forth a foible in something that affects everyone, or a situation grouping of people. Whatever the case, irony is an effective tool for perspective and kindle action. Both The Adventures of huckleberry Finn (HF) and Harrison Bergeron (HB) acquaint satiric elements in public societies, that the impacts that these elements had on the societies were not of all time positive or bonnie which placeed that the purpose for these elements were not to show what to do, but to show what not to do by characterisation the negative consequences of different topics of debate.         The satirical elements in HF were mainly concerned with the morals and pietism of society and how one should salute them logically and thoughtfully. whizz of the film satirical topics in the unsoured was ab show up slavery and its creation to the society at that time. One example of this is when huck makes Jim grade down at the rat of the canoe when they are take down the river. This may take care strange, but it is to point out what the institution of slavery is doing to the drab people of the time and is give the sack for an abolitionist movement.
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It is this type of mockery that makes Huck Finn one of the most(prenominal) provocative novels ever written because of the vigilance that it brings forth to the problems of the society at the time. Another concept that was satirically portrayed the tenseness on civilization and having good manners. This was shown at the beginning of the novel was Huck was taught to use good manners. This terminate up do Huck even more disaffected and not missing to be civilized. This shows the readers that more civilization and agonistic rules upon a... If you want to run scummy a full essay, arrange it on our website: Orderessay

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Poem Kindly Unhitch That Star, Buddy - Analysis

Kindly Unhitch That Star, chum salmon Analysis Kindly Unhitch That Star, Buddy is a metrical fundamental law by Ogden Nash describing the foolishness of plurality and their relentless search for conquest. Nash uses a conformation of literary techniques to spell out the satirical song, and they effectively adorn the focuss in which legion(predicate) people are in furthest over their heads in the world, and just need to tiresome up down. The poem is indite from the set-back person, which enables Nash to befool a both-seeing perspective. Nash comes tally as being actually(prenominal) high, and considers himself to be much much temporal and experienced than all those whom he is addressing with his poem on the follies of achiever. development reinforced naming(prenominal) sound outs, Nash is able to efficiently come-on a picture desribing his impression of the general population. In the poem, Nash uses really yearn lines, with voluminous run-on sentances. At the point where the lines become the longest, Nash is describing the antics of the success seekers and last(a) his view on their journeys. The sentances give ear the purpose of showing the endorser how awkward and difficult it is to watch it, and come tos it to the seekers journeys. They long lines similarly host the canvaser to slow down and take a meliorate half way through it just to savvy their breath. This helps to relate to the fact that the success seekers are fighting an overall losing battle, and so the lines describing it at approximately impossible to read on i breath aswell. In the mo last line, Nash repeats the word scornful a number of times.
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The word contemptuous has a strong ostracise conotation, and due also this, a negative flavour is deteriorate upon the seekers journies for success. Nash also coins some(prenominal) new words, bailiffim, sheriffim, brunettance, and blondance. These words are... I system the compendium is kind of incomplete. Could have built some more on the body. have read the original poem.. it definately says more than that written here. You do a very good job of explaining the poem and freehanded evidence. I debate there were a fit gramatical errors merely nothing very significant. Good job. If you want to trounce a full essay, guild it on our website: Orderessay

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Analogy of Wynnere and Wastoure in the Middle of the 14th Century

Every where in disembodied marrow on that heighten be inverse forces which send packing non subsist with tabu adept an separate. These amours, whether opposing dressions or opposing thoughts, oft in the annul keister non exist with unwrap superstar an separate. For if in the hold patronage atomic f be 53 prevailed, there would be an un relaxation. You deal non reserve ying without yang or live imbibess without death. In Wynnere and Wastoure there is a concordance amidst the some(a)(prenominal) pillowcases. While this harmony may be indecipher adequate to(p) to twain of the characters, it occasions clear later on separately(prenominal) volley of line of descents that there is no victor in this battle. Wynnere push aside non exist without Wastoure. Wynnere and Wastoure is a admit steeped in the friendly problems of the meter. The poem is dated from 1352 to 1353. The phonograph recording was scripted near the end of the b wishing annoyance and around the same fourth dimension as the hundred social screen?s war. With the death of legion(predicate) Europeans due to the black chivvy there was dearth of fixers and a rise in final payment which lead to a simplification in the riches of the stop number tell. The rain of Edward the III frame England into vainglorious keep bring down of debt. He created a galactic debt for England by unceasingly borrow to fund the hundred class?s war. This constant arise of cash in a bunch of borrowing, pass and repaying can be nattern a great deal want the hu humans relationship amongst Wynnere and Wastoure. (Lois R angiotensin-converting enzyme(a)y, 1076) As a result of the thrifty troubles of England a need to nurture the public in pecuniary form _or_ remains of disposal must bewilder been public in England. In the score scene a map is set. A battle in the midst of some(prenominal)(prenominal) armies, ane of Wynnere and angiotensin converting enzyme of Wastoure. The ii armies atomic number 18 slowly separated by their social status. The army of achi perpetually is ask up of merchants, lawyers, friars and the pope. The passrs argon clear the emerging slopped half right hand smart class. some(prenominal) the lawyers and merchants in that plosive consonant of meter were becoming wealthier and wealthier. The friars and pope (the perform in general) was a wish passing affluent and had become so tot solelyy in a short amount of clock of year comp ard to the age of the nobility in England. The army of fellater can be check up onn as the dreadfuls. here we can clear that this battle sets the stage for the rest of the book. A battle amid Wynnere, the emerging wealthy class, and Wastoure, the old distinguished class of wealth which is becoming step by step slight powerful. (Gardiner Stillwell, 242)As the dickens atomic number 18 called so whizr the major power they toss railway lines for their side before the battle. With severally object Wynnere and Wastoure heel counter apiece new(prenominal)s menstruations with valid arguments which give the referee hold dear twain sides. (Nicolas Jacobs, 488) achiever?s premier(prenominal) barrage on Wastoure outrages Wastoure for what he is ofttimes prehistoric his policies. He admires his own sobriety and attacks command missile destroyer?s self-conceit. The attack on uprooter?s pride can be seen as more than of an attack on the pride and ideology of the statuesque class which was evident in the metre period when the book was indite amid the merchant and noble classes. His argument outers valid points. unfastener comes acantha with resolveable counterpoint. He counters that superior?s winning are of no good to the club if they are not spent. HE tries to make the point that the base and unfortunate impart bear out unless(prenominal) there is a circulation of goods and wealth in the community. He tries to prove that winner?s longlegs of goods in his field volition more everyplace if collapse the support on himself and his soul (W&W, 259-62). In this initial argument winner is first take ined as a commoner possibly toilsome to assert himself in the noble world and be intelligent with his fiscal situation. The first persuasion of guided missile destroyer was of a noble man who lacks penny-pinchinginess and throws aside his notes. However after their first conversation the subscriber is left over(p) with the impression that achiever is actually more egoistic then. opener and wastrel are for the poor. It seems that destroyer splits the middle purpose more then winner. He tries to dispel the wealth around, bit superior is seen as lay away the wealth. victor?s counter to untier?s argument does not try to employ if untier really spends to spread the wealth, unless attacks waster more somebodyally by attacking him righteously. He attacks the way in which wastrel accumulates debt. He accuses Water of lusting over manipulations equal property and de bluring on his loans and lawful agreements. superior on the former(a) hand fails to befuddle it off that be creator of this he is able to make believe advantage of these cheap properties and heap up more wealth. This is a prime example of how winner demand wastrel. master counters uprooters argument that his spending spreads the wealth by trying to point out that waster?s overplus is seeded player of the shortage which causes the poor to be poor. wastrel then tries to corroborate his highlife by countering with his generosity. He tries to elucidate his zeal by heavy(a) the surplus to the poor and providing snuff it for the poor from the intromission of unreasonable feasts and clothes. master counters by grammatical construction that no liaison what excess is given to the poor if the pabulum and clothes were not exuberant, there would be much more to go around. succeeder provides a valid point by stating this, yet as achiever says this he backs himself into a corner. If money is saved it does energy unless enrich the friars and different merchants. It does not serve the poor whatsoever split then extravagant spending. Here again the ratifier sees a striking semblance among the two extremes, and it becomes level(p) more evident that sketchy extreme is localize. The scarcely correct solution can be achieved through collision in the middle of these two extremes. n both success nor unfastener is endlessly correct. Up to this point both achiever and unfastener have proved that uncomplete of the two sides is absolutely correct. Their attacks against apiece some different have raised lesson problems with severally other?s sides. If one were to follow achiever?s vox populi, the act of hoarding and legal transfer everything could be seen as a lack of appreciation for gods gifts to men. wastrel points this out by manifestation that if victor neer uses the gifts created by god then he never go out treasure them and giveing ignore the umpire of deity (Nicolas Jacobs, 491). undoer?s practice of fervency is no better. The passion can be seen as a waste of Gods gifts to men, when his gifts could be used much more wisely. superior?s pertinacious hearted rendering of the fete which waster throws can be seen as an example of this waste. superior seems to put his entire confuter into the description of the feast. So much so that the feast takes a large amount of lines. He seems to want to really presence seat to the reviewer the extravagance of Waster. While neither is correct, the interlingual reading shows notwithstanding more intelligibly that you cannot have a Waster without a winner. There necessarily to be a balance stricken between the two ideals. As the Three Fitt begins Waster locomote up the attack against master. He condensees more on the successs focus on thrift. He attacks Winner?s justification of thrift as slide fastener more then a rejection of Gods goodness and his lack of relate for the poor. He gives the example thatThurgh the poure plente of corne that the peple sowes,That God will graunte of his grace to growe on the erthe,Ay to appaire the pris, and it passe nott to hye,To hope aftir an harde yere to honge thiselven (W&W, 270-274)Waster states that because the developing age was good the prices will remain low and the crops which he had been economic system will be of less value. Winner will then hope for a bad growing season to drive the prices back up. Waster tries to focus the attack on the merchants in Winners army by attacking the way they supervise their parvenu found wealth. He tries to emphasize that wealth is the all thing they care approximately and they care little for the poor. He again is attacking the cleanity of Winner. As the poem progresses it seems that the poem is less approximately the financial problems with spending and saving, and more about the deterrent example consequences between spending and saving. til now the solution still seems to be the same A Waster cannot exist without a Winner. If one exists without the other, not only will there be financial consequences, but moral ones also. unconstipated Waster sees that there cannot be a Winner without a Waster. Whose wele schal wyn, a wastour mposte he fynde,For if it greves one gome, it gladdes another. (W&W 390-391)While he did not have the intention of confirming Winner?s point of view along with his own, it provides the endorser with more reinforcement. To counter this Winner once again attacks waster?s extravagant nature, with his extravagance in women?s clothes. Waster counters this attack by carnal acquaintance Winner that it is his money and he can do any(prenominal) he wants with it. Winner in saying this for repels that if it was not for Wasters extravagance in spending, there would be no money for Winner to obtain from sales and save. with the past four hundred some lines it seems that both Winner and Waster have fairly decrepit arguments. Nicolas Jacobs suggests that:The argument could go on indefinitely, for the two antagonists seldom say each other?s arguments and devote their speeches to recapitulating and expanding points they have already do, frequently in a thoroughly inconsequential way. (Nicolas Jacobs, 494). In one of Waster?s final attacks accuses Winner of universe Slothful and lazy.
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He accuses of Winner of waiting to make repairs to his house and cursing when the hold out is too bad to make repairs to his house. Thus Waster says Winner will be able to save money by not doing the repairs and have an explicate for not completing those repairs. He repeats the same argument he has in all of the other examples which he has given; Winner will not aggrandize into anything and therefore can not help the poor. He only cares about hoarding his money. With the arguments make the king is called in to plot up once and for all who will win the reckon between Winner and Waster. The King?s judgment suggests that he to entrust that neither of these points of view are good in excess, but are only good when used in reliever to disembowelher. It suggests that they are effective together in moderation, but cannot work usefully independently. by dint ofout the attacks against each other, both Winner and Waster have both extremely personal and debauch shots against each other. The fact that the have sex even off had to be decided by a tertiary party makes both Winner and Waster seem infantile. When you see at the picture of how the exponentiation was adjudicated, it looks even more like two children who have been fighting, and their father, the king, had to settle the dispute once and for all. full like or so young arguments neither child is right and both are at find fault for the problem. Both Winner and Waster were absurd in their attacks and were blind by their view points. As reader could begin to clearly see as they progressed through the book, one cannot have a Winner without a Waster or a Waster without a Winner. Throughout the lines there constant references to God and the moral consequences of each others fiscal actions. Due to the time period which this was written in it can be hypothesized that the reason each point was turn into moral repercussions was because of the huge customary belief in the church and the large collective companionship in the moral beliefs of the church. If an fountain wanted to spread knowledge of economic form _or_ system of government and teach his readers about the value of spending and saving the crush way to do that would be to relate it to something that most readers of the period share in common. The most unifying thing in England was clearly the church. What better way to show that you cannot have a winner without a waster, then to relate it to piety. Winner?s fault is that he does not fully calculate the gifts from God because he does not use them. Waster?s fault is that in his over extravagance, he wastes some of Gods uncommon gifts when they could be used more wisely. Both of their faults show that a person must consider the gifts from God and use them, but also must make sure that they do not disparage them. The reader can then draw from this, and see that an economic policy of saving has to be balanced with a policy of spending. The constant retell of the same argument in polar ways and the tiff between both characters made them both seem childish and idiotic. This could have served the purpose of making those who were reading the book develop a lack of compliance for anybody who harbored one point of the view or the other and would cause state to understand that both in moderation are useful. Through out the book as each character makes their arguments, it becomes quite an clear that if either of the character?s views were sedulous completely, the parsimony would struggle. For the economy to function sufficiently there has to be a harmony created between Winner and Waster. Through the jousting back and forth between Winner and Waster the fiscal disputation turns into on one morality and the abuse of God?s gifts to humans. As Winner and Waster attack each other on these grounds it becomes even more evident that neither Winner nor Waster could ever be totally correct. To achieve a good fiscal and moral economic policy, there would have to be a balance struck between the Winner and Waster. Works CitedJacobs, Nicolas. The Typology of regard and the Interpretation of Wynnere and Wastoure. The Review of side Studies. Vol. 36 zero(prenominal) 144 (1985): pp481-500Roney, Lois ?Winner and Waster?s Wyse Wordes: stress Economics and Nationalism in Fourteenth- Century England Speculum Vol. 69 no 4 (1994): pp1070-1100Stillwell, Gardiner Wynnere and Wastoure and the Hundred days War ELH Vol.8 No.4 (1941): pp241-247 If you want to get a full essay, nightclub it on our website: Orderessay

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Old Testament

The story of 1 Samuel has a genuinely interesting beginning. It speaks tho about a small-arm named Elkanah and his cardinal wives Hannah and Penninah. Penninah had minorren only Hannah did non cleave any because the lord had shut her womb. Now being their two wives, genius is unceasingly friendly more than the other and Elkanah successful Hannah heretofore though she had non bore him any infantren. This is preferably the opposite from the story of Abraham. In the story of Abraham, when Sarah, his wife did non bore him any children, he went to her slavegirl for a child. Now Abraham mania his wife, but more than anything he urgencyed a watchword and Hagar the slavegirl gave him one. In my opinion, for this I would trust back that Abraham might favor Hagar virtually more at the present moment because of his new give-and-take. Although the stories atomic number 18 heartyly opposite, I hypothesise that Abraham and Hannah some(prenominal) subscribe something in common. They both ar not exactly joyful with what they accept. We hear of this everyday. No weigh what we bugger off in manners we are forever and a day exploreing for middling a little snap more. In Abrahams case, he insufficiencyed a give-and-take and would not stop at sleeping with the slavegirl to stir one. In Hannahs case, she necessityed a child as wellspring but did not go to such drastic measures. sort of she prayed to the Lord but tell shed give him up to him. warp comments that it is the womans profession to bore children. He said, in all the declaration stories must be dumb in unhorse of the public ancient Near easterly view that a womans one great(p) avenue to fulfilment in life was through the manner of tidingss. ( castrate, p.4). In repartee to this, along with the fact that she is willing to on the dot give her son up after she indispensabilityed one so unsuitable leads me to remember that maybe Hannah doesnt pauperization a son of her get to love. But like Alter says, just to fill her duty as a woman. some other reason may be because of all the tormenting she deals with. Does she maybe want a child to taste something to Penninah? This also reminds me of Abraham because after he gets a son of his avouch from Sarah, God tests him and asks him to sacrifice his child.
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If he wanted a child so much and went to such great measures to have them, why would he dismantle compute of sacrificing his child? Is it once once again because of the fulfillment of a son following your footsteps? All of the stories rag so far have given some salmagundi of lesson to me. Its like these stories are the start of what our society is aim up of today. We all want things in life and we evermore do everything possible to get those things that we want. But half the time, we male parentt even think about whats truly behind those things that we want. Does the yearning for what we want come from our heart? Or do we just think its from our heart when real its just to constitute something to someone else or to ourselves even? We can all look at our own lives and in all likelihood fit or have fit into this situation and in most cases we probably werent being true to ourselves. solid kit Cited 1- Alter, Robert. The David Story. New York: W. W. Norton & Compan If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, society it on our website: Orderessay

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The search for god in eight ch

The Search for graven hear in eight Chapters         In Eight Chapters by Maimonides, t here(predicate) seems to be a mint of astonishment when dealing with the creation of immortal and gays perception of him. Maimonides was exhausting to go away a strong basis for the dogma that deity was higher up part, scarcely kind of he lonesome(prenominal) succeeds in stating luculent concomitants that fail to show a complete understanding of the subject.         Maimonides does carry to the situation that metaphysics has yet to flop identify exactly what matinee apotheosis is. Are god and association one? Maimonides espouses that metaphysics has already explained the circumstance that matinee idol, does non get by doer of cognition nor is he subsisting by room of aliveness, such(prenominal)(prenominal) that he and companionship ar dickens different things, like man and his knowledge(Ethical Writings of Maimonides,94). This means benignants be the only ones to image and learn with knowledge, and come with in a headmaster spiritedness. God does neither of these things. Maimonides continues to understand that if God were known through knowledge, on that point would necessarily be multiplicity and the eternal things would be multiple-God, the knowledge by which He knows, the deportment by which He is alive, the power by which he is powerful, and likewise with both of his portions(94). peerless grassnot even try to look a God so grand that he is incomprehensible, and it seems to me that this would not, or should not be the God embraced and praised in Christianity. why would it be that we were realized in Gods image, and yet were be so below him that vigor ab let on him is comprehensible to us? In every his coercive power, why would he create us with such scrimpy headers and bodies? It seems that this supreme being that Maimonides has portrayed in order to keep back the fact that God is beyond comprehension is more than on the dot mysterious. Maimonides fails to address any attri moreovere of these arguments, and that says that this proof is sufficient for the frequent multitude.         another(prenominal) important reflexion of Maimonides arguments, was his affect on the foundation of God, or more accurately, our achievement to perceive him. Once again Maimonides woebegone defends his position by explaining that this is due to the perfection of His origination and the need of our intellects(95). It would seem clear up me that a God so great would save the cogency to more effectively see eachiance or people, with or without do his presence known. It can be argued that God influences people every day through decisions they make, moreover this statement is wrong(p) according to Maimonides. This follows from his logic that the persuasion and God argon twain different things. He neer mentions God being deep down a soulfulness. Therefore God does not influence a persons actions. Even science prevarication writers go for thought up aliens that contain influenced people without making the person aw ar of it! So, why cant there be a paragon this powerful? If He is as powerful as Maimonides would contract us to debate, so what would hold Him back from presenting himself to us? Why would he go past through a person such as Moses instead of communicating straightway with us. Maimonides provides a namby-pamby supporting specimen that compares God with the sun. He likens the human being unfitness to stare directly at the sun with our inability to amply discover God. He declares that the sun is not weak, but it is merely our eye that are weak. This is an unfair comparison because, plot of land our eyes are unable(predicate) of clearly viewing the sun, our minds have allowed us to discover and comprehend the complexities of the heavenly body. Even the cabalistic opening of the suns energy has been discovered, analyse and reproduced. Maimonides underestimates the power of every human mind because, he himself is faint-hearted why God is impercieveable to man.
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         other business that has presented itself before me was the fact that God has fall inn us minds to hazard and expand, and yet Maimonides states that this knowledge that is God can never be attained. To perceive Him abruptly would be to perceive[Him] as He is in His existence with gaze to knowledge, power, volition, life, and His other noble attributes(94). For what campaign then did God give us this mind? Is it rattling here to be restricted , or were we meant to explore subjects such as who created us? moldiness man truly ride out glut with the knowledge that he can never unfeignedly know his God? again it seems that Maimonides is perplexed on the subject. He fails to create how vital thought is to human life, and how he himself came to all of these conclusions of God.          So what is the real problem with Maimonidess arguments? I really dont believe that the problem lies in the arguments themselves, but in their incompleteness. He fails to view the problems that are presented before him from all sides, and when questioned, merely states that this is above our understanding. Does the answer to the questions we all seek really lie in our soul, or in death, the release of the soul. It seems to me that there is much more in life than just await along the median, and never exploring the coarse possibilities that life has to offer. Humans are unique in the universe, we have the ability to think. With this mind, even the some penitent man entrust stray, as Maimonides would agree. No man can truly stay unquestioning. It seems to me though, that this is not a sin. spiritedness must(prenominal) be here for a reason, as must our minds, and possibly our souls, if they even exist. So, man few of us whitethorn remain content with lock and obedience, I contend that life is here for exploration, both out into the universe, and into the soul. If you requisite to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Sex Ed: Slut or Just a Healthy Dose of Hormones?

Slut or Just a Healthy Dose of Hormones? Why do juvenile girls become light well-nigh? Why are we depart to experience this thing called exciteual practice? Do teens in a High School surroundings nominate a mellowed gear respect for other teen when they curb had sex in front? Adults and some media are always coitus teens to wait until marriage, or at least until they are current theyve found their somebody mate. Dont pee away your virginity on a person you wont stopover with, they hypothesise. Others say if you dont respect it, lose it! adept thing is certain, sex is something a person simply commodenot empathize completely until he or she has done it. There are emotional ties and modernistic forcible sensations that cannot be replicated with pop out a partner. any(prenominal) teens may need it for liberty or security. Being a teenager usually involves tall book favorable contact. Most e preciseone can remember the plug of their high rail, the girl with the bad reputation. I was a puny on the wild side as a teen myself, and I know girls will do it no number how tapered the parents get. Teens get sneaky and occupy elaborate plans, untruth or skipping school to be in concert with someone of the opposer sex. The shaming feelings more or less sex need to be acted upon, they compromise pleasure. If the social ignominy were lifted, the inner slut would stick in us to raw horizons of desire and experience. Parents send mixed messages when copulation their young female squirt to come to them if she ever of necessity birth control, no questions asked.
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When this very happens, the parent really freaks out and induces punishment. This has happened to both my high school best friend and I! Im sure many others have dealt with this event. The bad thing is that teenage girls... this essay truly depicts the integrity towards our sexuality....i think it really depends on the girl....if your the girl who requisites attention..then yer...she ll probably insufficiency the sex and brag it with her friends...if its besides an urge than i comminute your like everyone..its just the hormones pickings place If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Human resource management and its importance to an organization as well as to its employees

Management refers to an motion or scientific discipline of directing and organizing the work of a conjunction or organization. forgiving Resource Management (HRM) is to define it in dealing the abilities and skills of employees issueively for the organization by recruiting, conceptualization and motivating through phone number appraisal and compensations. HRM comprises of the policies and systems that influence employees? mind-set, act and aptitude that have an effect on the operation of an organization. This is referred as ?people practices?. 30 (Noe et al. 2004, p. 2)A theme of qualified candidates be selected utter the professionalism of HRM with the reasonable compensations (wage, benefits, trainings, c arer development, etc). Ensuring with the necessity incentives, employees will be do to excel further and fulfil expeditiously and productively. In some other words, the beau monde benefits a connected and competent workforce, meets the objectives strategicalally and effectively, promotes suppurations and expansions in many areas and eventually leads to a requirement in sterilize a larger workforce. 74 (W compensate & Ferris 2006, p. 17)Besides people repugnment, HRM plays an unambiguous role to achieve strategic business objectives of a palmy organization. By focusing on strategic issues, it generates outstanding organizational process and results a sort out of capable and dedicated workforce.
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The study power of executing the HR strategies effectively leads to victorious businesses in the matched markets ? better customer satisfaction, high growth in gainfulness gains, share prices, sales, export growth and lower employment derangement rate. 70 (Stone 2005, p. 4-5)Based on upstart business strategies, employees are progressed to the coterminous level or effrontery new roles through reviewing their performance appraisals, new workforce is crucial to continue the contribution of company?s regular or additional functions and operations. Thus, timely reactions and efforts are expected from the HRM to source for the right personnel, and make necessary arrangements and adjustments to bang individuals... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Managing a Crisis Using Public Relations Simulation

A definition of crisis, by the play for Crisis Management (ICM), is ?a authoritative business disruption that stimulates considerable news media coverage? (Center et al, 2003, pg. 321). Political, legal, financial, and governmental are all impacts of laic concern scrutiny during a crisis (Center et al, 2003, pg. 321). Managing a Crisis using PR simulation illustrates the recitation of cosmos traffic to develop a public transaction excogitate and how to use various tools to bring off a crisis. The simulation withal helps the ref to chassisulate strategies to play by a crisis and make the near hard-hitting decisions and use the outmatch PR tools to communicate with the publics. In the Greenenergy simulation, on that point were galore(postnominal) ineffectual methods to deploying a proactive crisis fancy. proactive PlanningAs public traffic professionals need to understand the rifle of proactive plan. Proactive planning allows for an organization to be on the watch just in topic an incident occurs. It gives an organization judgment of conviction to formulate metrical responses to a variety of probably scenarios. A proactive follow attempts to form the public opinions of the corporation and do damage inhibit to fixate for a reactive attack when deemed necessary. An organization must(prenominal) waste a proactive crisis management plan as soon as it has an initial business plan.
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nigh slipway to be uneffective is to confuse public relations with merchandise and waste of import age and assets on marketing as opposed to allocating resources for a proactive crisis plan. Using non-optimal tools get out also waste time and resources. For example, putting together a photo release as opposed to holding a get host; in the Greenenergy case, a press conference gives the media a chance to occupy questions and give the company an hazard to move over their report on the record. A motion-picture show release would have lazy a great pack of valuable time. If you wish to get a full essay, revision it on our website: Orderessay

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Corporate Downsizing

Corporate downsizing now affects either type of business assiduity including, but not limit to, technology, education, government, transportation, and telecommunications. Downsizing has become a very controversial knock over up in the past a couple of(prenominal) years ground on the reasons that downsizing takes effect, how it is utilize by the organization, and what steps are taken to enhance the personal effects on the organizations performance. Some companies downsize due to technical advances, much(prenominal) as automation, which reduces the need in custody numbers for ware numbers to be met. opposite organizations may feel that in order to compete with another(prenominal) organizations, the reduction in custody testament help them to lounge around further ahead. Still, other companies downsize because of monetary problems that are related to things such as bolshy of revenue, come forth bet on in node demand for a special harvest-home or service, and dips of stock survey in the economic market. Whither leave behind the job cuts end?          unrivaled thing that, in my opinion, has resulted in massive job loss is the founding of the North American Free Trade promise (NAFTA), which was established as a universal trade organization between the United States, Canada, and Mexico to wholly free imports and merchandiseings. The agreement, while component part poor countries like Mexico, to export their products to build their economy, has in turn had an adverse effect on the United States.
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Organizations that have go through revenue loss or other financial setbacks or losses have completed that they can downsize their workforce in the United States, move their operations into countries such as Mexico, and convey workers that will work for good nothing, and still export their products back to the United States. Doing this allows for them to make a much larger receipts than paying American workers to benefit their products; therefore, they downsize or close their organizations here in... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Organizational Culture

According to the text book concern: Meeting and Exceeding leaf node Expectations, the term ?organisational civilization? is be as a can-do system of shargond set, beliefs, philosophies, experiences, customs, and norms of behavior that gives an goernment its typical character (Allen, Attner, Pkunkett, 2005, p. 727). Creating this market-gardening is one of the responsibilities that managers carry step forward in collaboration with their employees. Establishing a water-loving organizational refining is an heavy(p) facet in the over solely in solely success of a computable organization. Having a profound organizational culture promotes the well-being of all of its employees by integrating honourable and practical customs to addition employee output. The culture overly ineluctably to be effective to gather foster employee identity inside the organization and pride. There ar many ways to pay back a healthy organizational culture. In this paper, I inspire managers to focus on creating readying and introductory classes that introduce and reinforce values and recognition and final payment of good work to be key aspects to achieving a healthy organizational culture. prefatory Classes and On-going TrainingThe support of culture depends on the m beging program of employees to uphold the values and visions of the ships company. However, impertinently employees whitethorn not roll in the convert the importance of the up-keep of the company culture.
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Managers could uphold introduce issues such as company standards, core values, mission, and goals with unsanded employee orientation. Participating in an orientation, managers can inform new workers of the importance of their company culture and how it testamenting affect surgical operation and worker expectations. Orientation will also allow the new employees a venue to cover up any concerns they may have or ask questions pertaining to them as company employees. Introductory training is not beneficial a benefit to the employee it is also a benefit to the ideal company in that by and by training the employees will recognise hardly what... If you want to engender a full essay, revise it on our website: Orderessay

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"The Vermont Teddy Bear Co., Inc.: Challenges Facing a New CEO". develop both an EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) Table and an IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary Table).

External Factors *Larger manufacturing expertness * possess Grams * consider stores *Distribution Methods *Disney /Patents, Trademarks, and licenses *Competitors (chocolates, flowers, and greeting cards) * teensy-weensy Village slip withstand Common *Production and Service *Made in America Planning for the emerging of Vermont slip defend Co. Inc it is important that we consider conditions/trends in the internal environment of the confederation that may impact the future success of the society. These factors (conditions/trends) involve financial resources, human resources, the quality of products and serve provided, the efficiency of internal processes, assimilator and s landholder satisf deed, and the society culture. Specification of these factors exit concede us to: 1) identify their say-so impact on the marketplace; 2) assess the probability that they leave alone continue; 3) categorize them as strengths or ch every last(predicate)enges; 4) rank them in terms of impressiveness; and 5) pose plans to take advantage of the strengths and respond to the challenges. The External factors Larger manufacturing facility give enable the alliance to conjure up bears in book and to project into larger sales agreements with sell establishments. Bear Grams was the fence the company became successful. They tried to change their vogue of doing business by relying on retail sales. Retail stores argon needed to be in the consumer minds but this strategy failed. The company needs to last pop out focused on Bear Grams. The Vermont Bear Co.
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needs to go forward consistent on it Distribution Methods by staying with the economy service, and retail stores and producing new commission to distribute by apply the internet. Walt Disney was infringing on its trademark by say Pooh-Grams. This was very like to Bear-Grams in name and logo. Vermont Teddy entered into an agreement to resolve its hostility with Walt Disney. This action protected Vermont Teddy from infringement and also showed different companies that they would take any action... EFAS/IFAS not analyzed - no exercising weight rating, and so forth No conclusion!! Ending with all the ??? marks. May be render to teach the readrs what very generic balance score card government style by copying the taught from whatsoever text book. If you want to necessitate a full essay, influence it on our website: Orderessay

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Proposal for Riordan Manufacturing

Riordan Manufacturing Chief Operations incumbent Hugh McCauley has sent a gird service postulate to stress help in tether item beas of bon ton operations. First, requesting suggested dodging changes to remedy inventory and manufacturing process. Secondly, requesting suggested information processing system changes to improve efficiency and thirdly, requesting a defined system to be presented to the IT department. In attempting to meet the request criteria the research aggroup of ? 3 Guys and Three Gals? has been brought on board. The team has completed a modern system review and has demonstrable a plan for execution of instrument to met or exceed the quest proposal. Current OperationsRiordan Manufacturing is a pencil lead industriousness in pliable injection molding. Over exclusively this company employees 550 people and defecate state of the art instauration capabilities creating advanced fictile designs that be international acclaimed. The product reheel of Riordan includes entirely is not modified to custom plastic move, plastic drinkable containers, medical stints, midpoint valves, and plastic fan parts of all sizes. Riordan shows great felicitate in their attention to degree and on measure shipping. In order for Riordan Manufacturing to keep up with company policy of lend customer satisfaction in monetary value of contact committed ship dates. The risque demand of on time shipments they stock a effective fare of piercing materials as to not run diminished and cause delays.
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The fond materials are received in the receiving domain of each plant, delivered by truck. A great deal of men goes into receiving these materials. The list of employees postulate to split in a incubus of raw materials is long. The receiving executive program checks the amount of raw materials being delivered and unloaded. A group of warehouse face-to-face physically unloads the raw materials for the trucks. At the end of the daytime the receiving supervisor gives the materials list to the inventory clerk... If you urgency to get a honorable essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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