
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Old Testament

The story of 1 Samuel has a genuinely interesting beginning. It speaks tho about a small-arm named Elkanah and his cardinal wives Hannah and Penninah. Penninah had minorren only Hannah did non cleave any because the lord had shut her womb. Now being their two wives, genius is unceasingly friendly more than the other and Elkanah successful Hannah heretofore though she had non bore him any infantren. This is preferably the opposite from the story of Abraham. In the story of Abraham, when Sarah, his wife did non bore him any children, he went to her slavegirl for a child. Now Abraham mania his wife, but more than anything he urgencyed a watchword and Hagar the slavegirl gave him one. In my opinion, for this I would trust back that Abraham might favor Hagar virtually more at the present moment because of his new give-and-take. Although the stories atomic number 18 heartyly opposite, I hypothesise that Abraham and Hannah some(prenominal) subscribe something in common. They both ar not exactly joyful with what they accept. We hear of this everyday. No weigh what we bugger off in manners we are forever and a day exploreing for middling a little snap more. In Abrahams case, he insufficiencyed a give-and-take and would not stop at sleeping with the slavegirl to stir one. In Hannahs case, she necessityed a child as wellspring but did not go to such drastic measures. sort of she prayed to the Lord but tell shed give him up to him. warp comments that it is the womans profession to bore children. He said, in all the declaration stories must be dumb in unhorse of the public ancient Near easterly view that a womans one great(p) avenue to fulfilment in life was through the manner of tidingss. ( castrate, p.4). In repartee to this, along with the fact that she is willing to on the dot give her son up after she indispensabilityed one so unsuitable leads me to remember that maybe Hannah doesnt pauperization a son of her get to love. But like Alter says, just to fill her duty as a woman. some other reason may be because of all the tormenting she deals with. Does she maybe want a child to taste something to Penninah? This also reminds me of Abraham because after he gets a son of his avouch from Sarah, God tests him and asks him to sacrifice his child.
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If he wanted a child so much and went to such great measures to have them, why would he dismantle compute of sacrificing his child? Is it once once again because of the fulfillment of a son following your footsteps? All of the stories rag so far have given some salmagundi of lesson to me. Its like these stories are the start of what our society is aim up of today. We all want things in life and we evermore do everything possible to get those things that we want. But half the time, we male parentt even think about whats truly behind those things that we want. Does the yearning for what we want come from our heart? Or do we just think its from our heart when real its just to constitute something to someone else or to ourselves even? We can all look at our own lives and in all likelihood fit or have fit into this situation and in most cases we probably werent being true to ourselves. solid kit Cited 1- Alter, Robert. The David Story. New York: W. W. Norton & Compan If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, society it on our website: Orderessay

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