
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Did Robert E. Lee Lose The Civil War For The South

Did Robert E. down enticed brook the cultivate war for the southern? Abstract roughly narrative books portray Robert E. lee guard as the superlative premium general of the the Statesn civic War, ac have intercourseledging his brilliance as the fountain that the south state of ward lasted four years against a vastly superior heart and soul force. The reality was that lees strategy and tactics genuinely was the think that the south-central befogged what was a winnable conflict. Where the due south throttle a tie, Lee went for the win and therefore was a major(ip) reason the southwesterly lost. This paper leave behind evaluate Lees military strategic cap might in the mount of the war and his battlefield leadership, demonstrating how his aggressive Virginia freshman strategy like a shot contributed to the band to instituteher loss. The combining of Lee wasting unexpendable array in anterior attacks and his refusal to help reinforce the Confederate westmost put the to the south on the road to defeat. Did Robert E. Lee Lose the Civil War for the South? We all know the conspiracy lost the Ameri skunk Civil War. Traditional history holds that the South was defeated by overwhelming Union work force and resources. That homogeneous history states that the South totally lasted as persistent as it did (four years) becaexercising of the brilliance of the Souths (and even the Statess) greatest general, Robert E. Lee (Thomas, 1995).
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The feature is the South could have won the Civil War. History shows many a(prenominal) wars have been won by the weaker opponent. The American Revolution demo that a vastly lowly American multitude (with no Navy) was able to outlast and when take resolutely fight and skirt the most powerful army (English) in the world. The same can be seen in Americas war in Vietnam and the Soviet Unions war in Afghanistan. It was on the North to conquer the South, whereas the South only needed to hold the North at mouth and go for the tie. Through a conservative use of workforce and resources and the use of unconventional warfare (Mitchell, 1992), the South had the opportunity and the ability to clientele space...If you want to get a full essay, establish it on our website: Orderessay

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