
Monday, November 18, 2013

A Postmodern Look At The Role Of Media In America Today

The American Media : A Postmodern Look at the space of Media in America TodaySociety , it seems , is playing a blame quid . From the highly publicized story of the obese man who sued McDonald s for his weight unit to the mother who gives a sob story of how her son is in jail beca use up of the trigger-happy shows that cable put on TV . Cable , however , was unaw atomic number 18 that it was so-called to be baby-sittingPsychologists wonderment , however , if at that place really is an invite that the tv has on people , non solo youngsters . Could there be a connection between children who watch violence on video and acts of violence they whitethorn commit later ? What roughly women who feeling the need to be sensitivener after observance the delicate , attractive , actresses on televisionFirst of all , what atomic number 18 people ceremony ? According to Nielsen evaluates the highest viewed programme on cable television is WWE rawThe highest viewed border out programs are dramas such as Grey s manikin and horrendous Housewives . These shows have mature ratings - by a rating dust that is supposed to warn parents to get their children out of the get on . approximately channels correct have reason for ratings with the ratings as the program is beginning so that parents can know when there whitethorn be sexual content or super violent scenesFor children s programs , the highest viewed programs are Spongebob and Hannah Montana , both of which are non-violent , comparatively substantial shows . But this does non mean that non-wholesome kid s shows do non exist . Just because it is a cartoon and looks cute , does not mean that it is something kids should be watchingShows such as Power Rangers may be overly violent for kids of a certain trump outride . approximately people allow c hildren to just sit in expect of the TV to ! keep them occupied without knowing what their kids are watching .
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Then , there are shows such as Bratz , who look a lot like Barbie , seemingly well-disposed and harmless , have an episode where several of the characters get trace up jobs , may not be sending the best kernel to kids . The Simpsons is another show that is highly popular with kids . non only is the humor crude , but it also sends authoritative messages to kids if not monitored . Perhaps moderation is the best place to go for the following(a) pointSecond , how many hours of TV are children watching ? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics , children watch between four and caudal fin hours of television a day . At the least . or so kids come home from school at around 3 :30 and watch TV while doing homework and level(p) while eating until bedtime . Some kids have TV s in their rooms and are allowed to watch throughout the night Children in the United States watch about 4 hours of TV any day Watching movies on tape and playing depreciator tube games only adds to time spent in front of the TV screen . It may be tempting to use television , movies and video games to...If you want to get a fully essay, revision it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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