
Friday, November 29, 2013

Barnyard Communism: George Orwell's Animal Farm.

George Orwell?s refreticuloendothelial systemhing, Animal Farm, is a satirical allegory of communist Russia. The events in this legend depict the events that occurred during Russia?s transformation from res publica to Communism. This is represented with multiple literary elements, such as plot, characterization, and symbolism. ane of the main exchangeableities between this novel and Communist Russia is the plot. For lawsuit, nap, the mental capacity pig, secretly raises a litter of dogs into his own army, which is very akin to Joseph Stalin using his own forceful secret police, the KGB. Another shell of this is can be seen in the elder pig, Old major, shutdown up with the idea of animalism. In animalism, all animals would be be; however, when sleep eventually takes over after Old major(ip)?s death, Napoleon makes some animals ?more equal than others.? Similarly, in Communist Russia, when Karl Marx, the father of communism, died, Stalin took over, giving certain peop le particular(a) privileges. These are just two examples illustrating how very comparable this novel?s plot is to the happenings during the communist era in Russia. differently similarities between Animal Farm and Communist Russia are shown through characterization. For instance, one character in this novel, Mr. Jones, who is an irresponsible, cruel master, gets oblige off of his own farm by his livestock.
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He is a perfect representation of Czar Nicholas II, who was a poor, cruel leader compel to abdicate after the successful February Revolution. Another character, Snowball, is a smart, nasty pig who follows Old Major?s ideas completely and in truth does want to make life bet ter for all of the animals. He tries to do t! his until he is chased away by Napoleon?s dogs. Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, who was another leader of the Russian Revolution. Trotsky was a well-educated, pure communist who followed Marx until he was chased... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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