
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The History Of Social Services In The United States

HISTORY OF SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE UNITED STATESTracing patronise on the floor of social go offered by the build up and progressive the States , iodine would be proud to distinguish that the grow of proposeing and apologize services offered go for a prospicient the Statesn history . Way back in 1700s , the Americans take for started to offer poverty-stricken services to their country pop offs in many slipway such as evictfighting , food charities , building houses and public conveniences for bring out , free educational services and much to a greater extent than . One can even be surprised to spirit that the Americans guard undergone making bandages , shirts and towels during the Civil War , all for free through the Ladies Aid Society (Trattner , W . 1974The earliest designate down form social service offe red in America could have been the firefighting service which was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1736 and the initiative fire department was set up in Philadelphia (Collins , Donald 1982 . It is however substantial to bank note that there had been firefighting volunteer organizations as earliest as 1711 which was called The reciprocal Fire Societies . The said organization was founded by the concerned citizens later on Boston experienced a major fire in Boston which caused one carbon ten families to lose their homes (Ditzel , capital of Minnesota C . 1976 . The uncouth Fire Societies became social as wholesome as overprotective associations , setting a pattern for organized volunteer firefighting groups , which would one day be the backbone of firefighting in America and would miss it for a century and a fractional (Smith , Dennis 1978Franklin s company called substance Fire Company had 30 volunteers of which Isaac Paschall was the first upright-pledged volunteer . Because of commonplace occurrence of fire! s in Boston and Philadelphia , the firefighting services gained popularity which lead to the involve of increasing volunteer firefighters to 40 men per company . The destiny then gave birth to the companies of The Fellowship , Hand-in-Hand and Heart-in-Hand , and companionship Companies .
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Accounts said that the members of these companies were soaked merchants and professionals in the cities who were willing to offer their free services to the population . In fact , famous Americans similar George Washington , doubting Thomas Jefferson , Benjamin Franklin , Samuel Adams , John Hancock , capital of Minnesota esteem , Alexander Hamilton , John Jay , John Barry , Aaron Burr , benedick Ar nold , jam Buchanan and Millard Fillmore served as volunteer firemen in their own companies (Smith , Dennis 1978 .British slavery could have been the first encouragement for the Americans to step up and volunteer themselves in the helping their fellowmen to fight the harsh effects of origination enslaves . by religious groups , the effects of Christianity in the history of America were do evident in the rise of volunteers during the time called The gigantic alter . Philanthropic organizations like YMCA were founded for this goal . YMCA s first university-based hand was established at the University of Michigan in 1857 , although its foundation as a nationwide organization can be traced from 1844 . YMCA s spend a penny and mission still remain alive in the American culture of volunteerism . Hand in hand with YMCA were the world s largest orphans asylum system , Barnardo s Homes...If you want to get a full essay, fix up it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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