
Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Baptising babies is pointless." Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.

Some people might say that baptising babies is pointless because the ball up plainly does non know what is going on and so does non have any beliefs to be christend. They judge that or else of baptising babies, they should seize until the person is old enough to decide for himself when they have true beliefs. They might think that it is unfair that the tyke doesnt have a choice in the matter as they might take issue with their p atomic number 18nts views later on in liveliness and resent universe baptized. They might as strong reckon that if someone is baptised when they be a baby, they aspect pressurised to be confirmed when they atomic number 18 a older and go ahead with it even if they do not really compliments to. I disagree with these views because I think it is adept to baptise babies because then they are being properly welcomed into immortals family, and buzz take away a sister of God, which means more(prenominal) than the have solemnity that the Baptists have. If they were not baptised, when they are older they would not palpate as welcome to join Gods family and may be intimidated, from experience, I feel it is better to start out up in Gods family. Children are already partaking in the retention of Gods commandments such as keeping the Sabbath and they are raised to love and believe in God so why shouldnt they also be able to be plastered with his name in baptism? There is nothing in the scriptures which says that we shouldnt baptise babies and surely it is better to be wrong in baptizing them instead of being wrong in not baptizing them, considering that their timeless lifespan is at stake. It cannot be pointless to baptise babies as they are cleansed of sin as well as adults in baptism, as they are cleansed of Original Sin, which is the temptation to sin so they operate their life ready to go to heaven and the luck of incessant life, which is something all parents would want for their children.
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Also, even if parents decide they want their child to be confirmed without asking the child, I surmise the child would disagree adamantly anyway if they have already been baptised and are a full member of the church service as they would have grown up with Gods will and Christian values, and if they real strongly disagreed with confirmation, I am sure no beliefful parent would absolute force their child. To conclude, I believe that baptising babies is not pointless and that it is good for the child as they grow up in Gods family and they grow up knowing they should derive Gods values, as they are officially part of his family. They start off their life with Gods grace and no sin and the promise of eternal life. They would also feel more ac cepted and welcome and be more inclined to carry on the Christian faith for the outride of their lives. If you want to get a full essay, redact it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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