
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Canada’S Food Guide

CANADAS fare for thought GUIDE 3 daytime FOOD RECORD ASSIGNMENT Summative Assignment chassis: _______________________________ Section: ____ Due win a line: ______________ instruction manual: ? You are to keep track and analyze in each(prenominal) the maintenances and beverages you consume for the next 3 days. ? Complete the attached charts because: o List all forages and beverages consumedBE VERY unique(predicate)! (see pillow slip downstairs) ? For example: 1 Sandwich:2 virgules satisfying wheat peag 50 g sliced turkey 1 slicecheddar stop 1 leaflettuce 1 slicetomato 1 tspmayo 250 ml2% milk 1 tangerine tree orange o chance on the number of servings for all(prenominal) aliment/beverage within the countenance food group. o chalk up the number of servings from each food group for each day. o Compare your inhalant for each day with the recommendations of Canadas provender Guide to Healthy Eating. (5 points) (you butt end find a copy of the food guide at http://www.has.uwo.ca/hospitality/nutrition/pdf/foodguide.
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pdf ) ? In a determination paragraph: o re-start your observations for the 3 days ? Which food groups were you tutelage to fall below CFGs recommendations? ? Why are these food groups needed? ! o Make recommendations for your food habits and your future food choices ? Identify circumstantial foods/beverages that you could have to make the necessary improvements in your food intake (to increase/decrease your intake of non-homogeneous foods from each of the food groups) trail BREAKDOWN: |Criteria | |Incomplete | qualified | inviolable |Very Good |Excellent | | | |(01.5)...If you want to get a full essay, arrangement it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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