
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Madame Bovary Vs. Written On The Body

Madame Bovary and Written on the organic structure are two woks of books that provoke strong representations on various themes. Gender is a significant theme throughout both novels. Both Flaubert and Winterson strongly demonstrate their portrayals of gender in their works; however at that place is a major difference between the shipway from each one author goes about doing this. In Madame Bovary, Flaubert captures how women were viewed mevery years ago, which was small to men. On the other hand, Written on the Body shows a more modern perspective to how women are viewed, which is as equals to men. The main(prenominal) character in Madame Bovary, Emma, is described as very needy. She longs to urinate a life filled with go to bed and romance. She feels that she needs a man to satisfy her. The only problem with this is that she determines what she emergencys in a man based on the novels that she reads. Emma doesnt care what she has to do in order to achieve this romanc e. She is willing to take whatsoever measures to fill this hole in her heart. Emma marries Charles Bovary, in hopes to finally go out what she is looking for. As the story progresses, Emma has personal business with miscellaneous men. She does this, because Charles isnt satisfying her needs. At certain times Emma feels that love that shes been searching for when shes off having her affairs, but homogeneous everything else in life, they wear out thin. Emma eventually wakes up to this jolty realism and because she is so miserable, ends up committing suicide. Because of the time Madame Bovary was set, it seemed that if women werent with men, they werent complete. Emma did want a life filled with romance and passion, which isnt different from how most women today are, but at that time, if her affairs were expose she would have really been looked down upon. Madame Bovary shows a negatively charged vector sum to Emmas behavior. From reading, we know she was in the falsely for what the countless affairs she commits a! nd it becomes difficult to sympathize for her. Like Madame Bovary,...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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