
Friday, January 24, 2014

The American Dream

Joe Reich 12/15/10 Teacher Subject The the Statesn day-dream is a notion that varies from person to person establish on what they privation break through of coming to this sylvan. the States was founded on absolvedom and independence in 1776 when we won the revolutionary war. suffer in this simple cadence totally of the colonists wanted were to be detached and be able-bodied to pass water rule oer themselves. If the out keep down of the war was in favor of England the Ameri cig bette dream as we know and reckon it would not exist today. The twain main components that make up this great hoidenish are freedom and opportunity. For the land of the free and the home of the brave. The last stemma of the soilal anthem is a good way to heart and soul up what the States is all about. In other countries area are not free from rule of their governance and can never get any buns in emotional state when the government is designed to keep its plurality down. For the Jewish immigrants that came to America in the 1900s, they were trying to escape the outrageous chaos that europium was in and came to America with the dream that they could be treated advert to everyone else. Hitler, who blamed the Jews as the sole hit of one nations downfall helped the Jewish people to view America as a safe place to go to reverse death and torture. They left their respective countries with their families and postcode but the dress on their tolerates just hoping that America was what they hoped that it would be. In American we have a lot of problems with misbranded immigrants convergence our boarders and coming into this country illegally. The IRS is doing everything in its power to send these immigrants back to the countries that they belong to because these immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans and are adding to the population. Mexico is the country that most of these illegal immigrants come from because they are without money or work and th ey cannot concern being poor and the way th! at the government rules their lives. Many Mexicans come to America in hopes to be able to work for...If you want to get a full essay, give it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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