
Monday, January 27, 2014

With reference to both ancient and modern sources, assess the impact of Cleopatra VII on the Egyptian and Roman worlds

The story of Cleopatra and the events that occurred during her rule has varietyd over the years due to divers(prenominal) interpretations of historians, poets or artists, each affected by their personal, temporal or historiographical context. well-nigh of the antique writers are Roman, such as Horace, Virgil or Lu outhouse, and there are few sources from her contemporaries. These writers were hostile, although Plutarch was fairer to her memory; firearm unspoiled interpretations ranged from a continuation of Octavians propaganda, presenting her as a seductress and undermining the work she has through and through with(p) in keeping Egypt free of complete Roman control, to sympathizing with her and stressing the channelize she has brought through her influence on Antony, Octavian, and the people of Egypt and Rome. Whether it is constructive or destructive, it cannot be denied that Cleopatra has had a huge impact on the Egyptian and Roman worlds in a variety of ways. Although th e gaps and inaccuracies mean that we mogul never realize the extent of her achievements, by analyzing and assessing the evidence we range off, we can still gain an insight to her true legacy. thither has been many controversies regarding the solution shes had on both Egypt and Rome. Most ancient writers have disregard her as a power-hungry woman who close destroyed the Egyptian people and brought down the Roman empire, while modern writers have begun to reexamine this view of Cleopatra, trying to spew light on her achievements in improving Egypt, like repairing buildings, yards, ships, increase the naval slide by and reorganizing the army, stabilizing frontiers, restoring temples and the Library of Alexandria, and taenia the civil wars that ravaged Egypt. Plutarch depicts her not only as a queen of infinite fascination, that as an enchantress, devoted to the life of the senses. To Plutarch, the break down and crowning mischief... I f you wish to get a full essay, gild it on! our website: OrderEssay.net

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