
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Elitism In America

Elitism In the States Elitism in America American democracy was designed to allow its citizens plentiful control in choosing who pass on bring their next leaders. However, at the present time this is non the case. It has been seen in recent elections that those in supply argon not what the popular opinion wanted. sooner we set out the vast majority of America highly underrepresented and the nonage controlling the policy-making science like puppets on a string. Elitism has become more unmixed in American society in the past cardinal years than it ever has been. What can be done? Do we just sit back and go for for the best as it slowly gets worse? Or will the elite guard more and more top executive? This motif will urge and attempt to address the issues of not yet elitism in America, how it has created a faction within society. Elitism has warped the governmental ideology and the boilersuit descent into voter apathy and difference of power. The first inquiry tha t needs to be addressed is how America transitioned from a trust of populism and egalitarianism to personal freedom and egotism reliance. It was the early political theory elitist democratic theory that on a brotherly unit the regular citizens do not support the mental object or the proper education to make sensible political decisions. These decisions should be left up to the politically meliorate; they have the power and resources to make informed decision for the whole. (Abramowitz, 2001 p.14) The whole conclude of elections then is to have an audit, a periodic break up for the ordinary citizen to allow them to be part of the process. Why do the elite have the power and why does the disparity of power keep expanding? How did it get to this point? A background in elitism according to Abramowitz stems from the ideology of self reliance and personal freedom. The chief(prenominal) idea is that the individual is responsible for themselves in order to boost to the greatn ess that they desire. The main issue is that! those who achieve restrict those who be not at their level from...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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