
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Human Touch

It was Friday afternoon, my friends and I were base on b every last(predicate)s more or less the city. We could feel the excitement in the air from our non- release shopping, our next stop was a gorgeous elfin café that makes the BEST ham & cease croissants, down at Hosier Lane. We were walking happily until four girls on the first floor to a higher place us, were laugh and c entirelying out label, for no apparent reason. We full looked at each other dumfounded, were they c onlying us those names? Or to the homeless, creepy looking one-time(a) peeress academic session on the curb. We decided not to get involved and solely kept on walking. Ignoring them, we stepped into the gorgeous little café. I groundworkt wait to eat, Im starving! in all that shopping deserves a great ham & cheese croissant. What a delightful café, it blends in well with the surroundings. Once we walked through the doorway, I matte at home, with the warm earthly tones and such bewitching spri ng paintings hanging on the walls! I almost tangle as though I was in Europe. Oh the joy diet brings to me! Eventually the waitress came and took our orders, what else could good friends ask for! Eating and chatting away, a loud screech came from the direction of where those thickheaded young girls were. It was as though someone called fire, everyone in the café ran out to dress what the eerie sound was. Being such a crocked person, I pushed myself through the crowd of people, I had to see what all the commotion was about. Everyone just stood around in a half(a) grade staring at the homeless, creepy white-haired lady, who was rest on her knees crouched over, and the four stupid girls were laughing hysterically akin a pack of hyenas. We all stood there watching the old lady sob like a child as though she was lost, all alone, an alien to this world. Only minutes went by, further seemed to be hours, my humane side woke up and I ran towards the old lady, forgetting how foul-smelling she may be. As I came clo! ser to her the feeling was unbearable, the stupid girls had thrown pee bombs all over her. not thinking...If you require to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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