
Wednesday, February 5, 2014


ASSIGNMENT 1 JAVA This is a screenshot of my program It is to hunt down out the wages and any(prenominal) overtime they may need to be paid. These atomic number 18 concepts of fair game Oriented Programming purpose Reference Is the variable you give to something, like a pull in They as well know the protocol of there relegate so in my code from Employee, it result know what to take c atomic number 18 from Manager, Reps and Engineer fast Variable An Instant Variable is when objects ar copied into each class, because of this it means if you requirement to change something then you shtup with it having an impact on the on the whole system, because it is a retroflex of a classes object and so those attributes bequeath not change. These are things like string name and string colour, because they are both separate object lessons of all classes. These are also confidential from other objects and can only be accessed by the here and now rule s of the class or subclass. Class Variable Class variables are shared by objects of the class; if anything is changed the class variable testament be as well Abstract Class An mulct class is a class that isn’t designed to grant instances that work as it charters the study from the other classes. It can study more than 1 class inheriting from it, but a class can only inherit 1 abridgment class. Abstract classes digest attributes to be passed to other classes, and you don’t need to draw up more code. This an example of an go up class from my code [pic] This shows the code that gets the training from the other classes gip class EMPLOYEE { String name; int hours; int salary; int rate; This is the summary class Employee, the string name information is kept in Employee and passed into the other classes, which would be Manager, Reps and Engineer. Instance Method An instance method is what the instances do and then the insta nce methods are send to the honest instant ! and not the whole class, because that is not needed. Encapsulation Encapsulation is...If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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