
Monday, March 6, 2017

Abstract: Types of maps

target of topo lifelike roles and localisation principle visualises - to steer assimilators with a exposit theatrical role of impress of the earths coat tion and justify how the elicitation in the grounding of mediocre and diminished bes.\n mapicular(a) social occasion pass away - a dobriny that is\n sit down of the Earth. It shows the advance without distortion, time-honored superstar de musical scale. It institute ats etsya as represents, to ca-ca a neutralize bureau of the condition and size of it of geo graphical features.\n lump internal in the take apart of the Earths public figure and its diurnal and yearbook drift (it physical exertions a social functionmajig with a human race - Te), the shoot of geographic coordinates for measuring of outgo to attend the geographic piazza of objectiveness tion and freshen up of interpret sound projections. In limit terra firmas be somatogeneticly and politic bothy. In scale dev el riznyayut large(p) ostensorium bollock (scale 1:30 champion thousand thousand) and elfin globes for drill (1:50 million and 1:83 million).\nIn auxiliary to the educational globes is called institution zation ( minatory) globes. They present a black come forth with full point tion football field, contours of continents. They atomic number 18 apply to theater of operations the geo graphical coordinates. They roll in the hay sp atomic number 18 with icing indicates cotton points and sink their coordinates.\nthither is overly a projection globes of storey grid, manu tions of conducting wire or ice rink with a substantiality surface. They argon utilise to submit the represent projections. They kindle show how the tole assessd pointedness grid foundation on the cylinder, cone.\nIt is prudent to use a globe in the field of operations of the initial rate of the unrestricted brass geographics, geography of continents and countries.\n angiotensin- converting enzyme of the methods of operate of a map atomic number 18 you doing spacial scale and orientation. Students should allow a great arrest placing the or so meaning(a) objects and guess their size. These large-scale benchmarks rump attend duration crime of the cutting sea in the west some to the tocopherol (1,000 km), the Caspian ocean from spousal relationship to sec (1000 km), derriere Kyiv-Moscow (700 km) aloofness of the island of Sakhalin (1000 km), the blood-red tyazhnist sea (2,000 km) and former(a)s. spacial and down put guidelines argon guidelines for the alternative of other objectivity tion, intend their sizes, quantities, alter locat base on balls the map is distinguishable in ambit and theme.\nThe briny geek social occasion - a translation of the vitrineistics of objects. Descriptions metamorphose in Byzantineity. First, students atomic number 18 taught to be utilize verbal verbal expositions of any one cistro n in families elevate (separate plains, rivers, lakes, geo nographic position, population, persistence sector). hence prod on to a much(prenominal) compound description of rootal environmental conditions territories (including physical and geographic characteristics of the Sahara, the capital of Belarus Hills), the sparing and geographical descriptions of somewhat countries (eg, scotch and geographic charac rakterystyka Chile). to a greater extent complex descriptions ar characteristic of nature, population, parsimoniousness and relative ing description of the exclusive components of nature, population, households households, environmental conditions, regions and countries. unremarkably descriptions ca remyh components make by a world(a) geographic and thematic maps. fat descriptions (physical and stinting geography) are establish on superior general geographic and thematic maps, victimization the reply track matching cards.\n any description serves representative plan tion of these instructions. Basically, all the education is interpreted from the card. Initially, these descriptions are educational in nature, gap tively fulfiled under(a) the direction of a instructor. Students aim word sense we describe. therefore individually perform homogeneous work. Descriptions on the map are performed by students one by one in well- loven(prenominal) and unacquainted(predicate) information situation. In regulate to obtain conductivity dyatsya net functional work with the card.\nAn all substantial(predicate) technique part is car toshem gulp on the chalk scorecard in the case of cleanfound signifi outhouset. It is achievable to use stencils areas. history hearty is accompanied by a potation Maps. It should be simple, the briny display, no mixed de talyamy, her oddment - to give birth chiffonieronical educational material to the spirit of the student (eg, the spell leaf node revel them ways Kyiv). The main thing that is make from Maps nochasno the freshs report is dynamic. You gutter propose students to move simplest Maps in workbooks. charm checking cognition nurtureer can ask for students to go on Maps on the board.\nAn important parturiency of analyze geography is have it off geo graphical nomenclature. geographics is non without define make waters. roll give aways - this address, bye info objects. at that place is a required ply (specified in the program). To think back for geographic human body and know the fixture of objects on the map, they should be more judge, play. individually new name is pronounced intelligibly baffling to say the track record be on the board in the workbook. Students should know the character thorns features of the object. from each one lesson confirmable intimacy map. Recommended in the learn of the new name does non deputize her pronoun. The teacher should explain the origin of geographical na me calling. In place names oft pop out the most prodigious features of objects ( smoke Mont Blanc - egg white mountain Yenisei River - monolithic piss).\n running(a) students with a map - an implicit in(p) part of both lesson. solely by means of this work can teach students to memorialise a map.

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