
Sunday, December 29, 2013

(5 min. speech)Explain the role of the Family Court of Australia in dealing with issues that arise within families. Make reference to a case/s.

The Family woo of Australia was established with the passing of the Family Law set (FLA) 1975. The salutation is a federal courtyard and is a superior encounter of record. Its judges have the same status as federal official or Supreme Court judges. There are no juries. Appeals lie to the Full Court of the Family Court comprising three judges, and in appropriate cases, five judges. Appeals thereafter lie to the High Court. The Family Court has the power to deal with issues involving divorce, churlren, property and spousal maintenance by way of s.51 of the Constitution and each case is considered on its merits (as shown in the cases B v B and Smith v Smith) The 1976 make believe removed the fourteen grounds for divorce that existed under the matrimonial Causes Act 1959 and replaced them with a single reason, being an irretrievable breakdown of the wedlock. In granting a divorce, the Court must be satisfied that the parties are seperated, the matrimony has broken down irr etrievably, and where the parties have children, the arrangements which have been put in place for the children are appropriate. In regards to child maintenance, the chela bear upon Acts of 1988 and 1989 both confer original and appellate jurisdiction on the Family Court.
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The Court also has jurisdiction to make a parenting perform in concerning children, including residence scores, contact orders and specific issues orders. In fashioning a parenting order, the Court considers what, in alone circumstances, is in the surpass interests of the child (as shown in the 1988 case of M v M). This fancy arose in the ratifying of the UN Treaty on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CR OC) in 1990. This provides that the best int! erests of the child must be of paramount consideration in all actions concerning... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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