
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Collision Rate investigation

Preliminary investigating: Aim: To investigate the rate of chemical reaction in opposite concentrations of hot to find the best adequate surface from a variety of alloys. Plan: In the advance work I am firing to investigate which alloy out of 4 metals is the best for the investigation. These metals are Mg (Magnesium), Cu (Copper), Zn (Zinc) and Ca (Calcium). To do this i leave so-and-so investigate the reaction with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. I pull up stakes ingest the best metal out of the 4 feel most at its qualities e.g. the reaction times, reliability of results, metal properties etc. I will use this preliminary work to protagonist me base my prediction; decide upon the most useful metal and to set clarify on how I will go rough my experiment. Apparatus: - 3 Magnesium Strips - 3 Copper Strips - 3 Pieces of Zinc - 3 Pieces of Calcium - 12 Test Tubes - 120ml of 0.25M, 0.50M, 1.0M, 2.0M and a 3.0m each(prenominal) of Hydrochloric a cid (HCl). - Measuring Cylinder - Safety gawk - cease Clock - Scissors - Ruler Metals and Time each took to Stop Reacting in Seconds Concentration (Hydrochloric AcidMg MagnesiumCu CopperZn ZincCa Calcium 0.25M28.10X1380.0238.00 0.50M14.19X180.2836.00 1.00M1.38X60.5820.00 2.00M42.
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00X180.0628 3.00M36X960.3015.00 Results of Preliminary Investigation: Preliminary Work Conclusion: I fold from the results in a higher place we can see that the metals had all very(prenominal) divers(a) results. From the above I sight some properties which will help me decide which I will use. Zinc is not a very fitting metal because it can make the results very unreliable and in accurate. It will not be a funfair test as ! the metal comes in different sizes and weights, they are... If you pauperism to get a full phase of the moon essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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