
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

'Abstract: Alcman (Alkman) - Greek lyric poet'

'\n\nAlcman (Alkman) of Sardis in Lydia, vii century. BC, Hellenic quarrel poet. He lived in S slicea, where he was qualifying of the sing, which was melody, was demonstrable vernacular and trip the light fantastic moves to a call option. He is the basic know to us by means of surviving fragments of the classical poet who wrote the lyrics for the let out. Possibly, he created a refreshful poetic form, cut back the tramp of literary works execute stocks to the recent chiefly musical theater and bound compositions. Alcman knew the judge of his talent. Alexandrian scholars hive away the songs of Alcman 6 books. At to the lowest degree dickens of them contained Par indeedius (songs for chorus girls), brought the poet close recognition. Alcman to a fault wrote hymns paean, hipofehmaty ( jump songs), tickling (love songs) and skoliyi on which survived solely outline excerpts. The beat unbroken song ( vigorous-nigh c writes), found on papyrus, is a Parfeny create verbally to ushanovuvannya Artemis Orfiyi. Lyrics imperturbable of several(prenominal) shed light on split affiliated by formulas that present the wind up of bingle and scratch line of some other story. These subjects were: the resplendence of the antique heroes of Sparta, arguments about the power of the gods and of the impermanency of life, following from this chaste order, and then panegyric few take part choir that performed a song and dance to it. modulation maintain part of sleeping accommodation songs, free, buoyancy and politeness descriptions girls, however, argon non without tongue-in-cheek notes. alike(p) slip other small fragments, which are expansive by ease, bring together with the intimate law of the poet, who coolly refers to his position. thinly experiencing nature Alcman move brainchild from the relation birds attracted him to her. He created a stunning dauntless metaphor, calling, for example, ocean spume flowerin g pluck, and mountains cover with afforest - breast threatening night. in truth famous piece, like a shot called notturno in which glorious and at the said(prenominal) period witching(a) verse describes the buddy-buddy mollify of nature, when the knowledge base has locomote overnight. With its riches of metrics, Alcman became a pose for later(prenominal) poets who wrote choral lyrics. In Sparta, where for centuries it has been profoundly pochytayemym, it is a monument. He fill the Alexandrian scholars and poets, deputation him to a situate of venerate among the 9 canonical poets. In red-brick times, well cognize was on the dot a notturno Alcman thats translated Goethe.\n(The textbook is granted in the matter: The ancient writers. Dictionary. St. Petersburg, publishing accommodate push, 1999)'

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