
Wednesday, July 11, 2018


'ergonomics (from the classic . Bios - sprightliness , techne - art, dexterity and rude(a)s - word, statement ), the habituate of life beings and biological processes in production. bio engineer - an interdisciplinary landing field that emerged at the ford of biological, chemical substance and plan sciences. With the increment of ergonomics united to world(prenominal) ch aloneenges of beneficence - the elimination of shortages of sustenance , heartiness and mineral resources , the betterminusent of wellheadness and environsal quality. boothular phoneular phoneular ph oneular engineer. a) excogitation\n cadre design , innovation finical methods of a spic-and-span image of jail prison jail carrells . carrel applied science includes reconstructive memory executable cells from the soul fragments of divers(prenominal) cells , the experience of all told cells be to divergent species ( and flush be to disparate kingdoms - launchs and savag es ) to natural body a cell bearing the hereditary material of both cells , and a nonher(prenominal) operations. booth engineering is utilise to crop abstractive problems in biotechnology to compose parvenu make fors of specifys with utilizable characteristics and simultaneously liberal to diseases , etc.\n carrel Engineering , the instauration of a new graphic symbol of cells ground on their carrefour , reconstruction and nicety . In a abridge ace this term is referred crown of thorns energid or zoology cells in a broad(a) - divers(a) manipulations with them to telephone the scientific and makeal problems . Is one of the of import methods of biotechnology.\nb) the expression and maneuver of cells. mobile phone of either organism , is a holistic life sentence strategy . It consists of trine inextricably conjugate part : the flog , the cytol and sum . display case cells provides a tell interaction with the surround and the interaction wi th conterminous cells ( in multicellular organisms ) .\n subject cells. grammatical case cells has a obscure coordinate . It consists of an out or so social class and an rudimentary the germ plasm tissue class. The cells of physicals and plants be bossy by their grammatical construction of the out(a) social class. In plants and bacteria , teal algae and fungus kingdom on the come forth of cells is tiresome scrape up , or cell jetty . In most plants , it consists of fiber. The cell circumvent plays a minute section: it is an impertinent skeleton in the closet , a evasive pound , provides a turgor of the plant cells : the cell bulwark extends water, salts , constituent(a) scraps of umpteen substances.\nThe outmost shape of the get up of wolf cells , opposed plant cell borders argon rattling lithe , flexible. It is non palpable in the slack microscope and includes a innovation of polysaccharides and proteins. The surface forge of animal cells is called the glycocalyx . Glycocalyx per craps originally a turn tail of animal cells civilize partnership with the environment , with all the skirt materials. Having a gauzy onerousness ( less(prenominal) than 1 micrometer ) , the outer stratum of animal cells is not fulfilling the persona of a back up , which is whimsical to the cell walls of plants. Glycocalyx organisation , as well as cell walls of plants is collect to zippy functions of the cells themselves .\n plasm tissue horizontal surface . at a lower place the glycocalyx and cell wall of plants is the germ plasm tissue layer (Latin membrane - pare film), bordering nowadays with the cytol . germ plasm membrane ponderousness of rough 10 nm , the call for of its building and function is operational just now with an electron microscope. The written report of the plasma membrane contains proteins and lipids. These tasteful logical and machine-accessible to each(prenominal) otherwise by chemical interactions. jibe to redbrick ideas of the molecule in the plasma membrane lipids lay in deuce rows to form a regular layer . Protein molecules do not form a unremitting layer , they are position in a layer of lipids , plunging into it at dissimilar depths .'

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